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Messages - Fawful

Quote from: Dudeman on January 10, 2016, 09:21:04 PMSo, the arrangement's looking pretty solid. A few suggestions:
- Definitely take a look at the formatting guidelines. Your sizes and styles need to be prettied up a bit, and you should consider adding the copyright if you want to have this submitted.

I'll definitely look into getting the formatting under control.  I see Yug_Guy has posted a template, and I'll try copying the music to there for formatting's sake.

Quote- The melody definitely needs to be the thirds in the original rather than the single notes you have it as now (more specifically, the melody as it is from the beginning through m. 24).

To be honest, I'm not sure how I missed that with how many times I've heard the song.  I'll get on that once the formatting is under control.

Quote- Because you've put pedal through almost the whole piece, I'd suggest just putting "con pedale" at the beginning and dropping all the actual articulations (you probably spent a long time putting them all in so that may put you in a bad mood; you can always hug it out with us if you need to). Then put a "sans senza pedale" at measure 66 where you drop it.
- I haven't taken a look at the whole thing for accuracy but what I've heard so far sounds pretty good. Nice work.

To be honest, it didn't take me too long to put them in.  It would have taken a lot longer if I had made sure they were perfectly attached, so I guess I'm glad I didn't waste that time :P  But looking at it now, it seems Finale doesn't playback "con pedale" statements well; should I hide the markings but still have them in the file for Finale playback?  Or should I just remove them anyway?

Quote from: Dudeman on January 10, 2016, 09:00:36 PM[url=sampleurl.gorg][MUS][/url]

Also, Braix is a guy.

Cool, I'll keep that in mind next time.

Quote from: BrainyLucario on January 10, 2016, 08:57:26 PM{snip}

Also notice to song list on the first post...Braix kind of claimed that song. If he allows it, your arrangement will be put on the list

Right, sorry.  I didn't exactly notice the song list until you mentioned it  :-[
Hey guys, I just joined the site.  I came here from a Steam forum that had a similar goal that Yug_Guy found and posted to as well.  Figured I should help contribute as well; here's Reunited. (I can't figure out how you guys do the [MUS] thing, so I'll just put the URL here.)  Anything I should change?