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Messages - Talik006

Piano Arrangements / Re: Pikmin 2 - Credits - MIDI
September 19, 2016, 02:25:13 PM
Thank you :) I'll probably try and do as much as I can if I get around to doing it in the future. Hopefully I won't get too stuck, but it's nice to know people are willing to help if I do.
Piano Arrangements / Re: Pikmin 2 - Credits - MIDI
September 18, 2016, 12:41:52 PM
I might try to if I get some free time in the future. Last time I tried notating a MIDI it ended up taking a while and I never got it 100% finished, although that was my first time doing it and I had to teach myself, so it'll probably be quicker and easier if I try to do it again. I've already got the software for it, so I wouldn't have to worry about that either :)
Piano Arrangements / Re: Pikmin 2 - Credits - MIDI
September 17, 2016, 09:12:24 AM
Thank you! ;D And I know, I've always thought this was an absolutely amazing track and so I was surprised that I could never find a MIDI of it anywhere. But I guess if all the MIDIs I ever wanted were already out there, then I never would have felt the need to teach myself how to make them, so it's probably for the best :P
Piano Arrangements / Pikmin 2 - Credits - MIDI
September 17, 2016, 06:59:14 AM
Hi, everyone,
Haven't posted on here for a while. Been pretty busy between moving house and getting a full time job -_-zZZ.
Anyway, I managed to find a bit of free time recently to make a quick piano MIDI for the Pikmin 2 Credits song. This is a song I've wanted a MIDI for pretty much since I first discovered what MIDI was years ago! Unfortunately, no one ever made one (from what I can tell), so I finally thought I'd go ahead and try and make it myself. I figured instead of keeping it to myself I'd share it here for everyone to use. I don't know if I'll get a chance to create sheet music for it as I've been pretty busy, but I hope some people will still be happy just seeing a MIDI for it after all these years :)
Okay, so this took a bit longer than expected (sorry about that) :P At first I started having a go at making the sheet music, which took me a while because I hardly even have a great understanding of how to read sheet music anyway, let alone writing it. Then a bunch of my time was taken up with things like moving house so I rarely got much chance to come back to it and try and figure out how to do it. Anyway, I think I've almost got it there (I hope). I know there's probably a few things that need sorting out, like a few rests that randomly appeared near the end, so any feedback would be appreciated and hopefully it won't take me as long to get it finished now :)
Haha, okay, thanks :P I'll give the free trial a go and see what I can do. Hopefully should have sheets up farely soon depending on how much time I get to spend with it and how long it takes me to figure it out :)
Quote from: Bespinben on December 07, 2015, 04:36:46 PMIf you want to contribute to the NinSheetMusic main site however, you'll want to get Finale.

Is using Finale NotePad okay for creating and uploading sheets for the main site?
Thanks for the help :) Yeah, I used Cubase to create the MIDI file and just played everything in (making sure to put everything perfectly in time afterwards, which I imagine makes creating sheets easier). I've never looked at Finale before, but I'll take a quick look at it.
Hey, everyone :) This is my first time posting (and I think ever being on a forum) so apologies if I haven't done everything exactly right here :P Anyway, I just made a piano MIDI file for the Tri Force Heroes "Riverside" levels and I figured I'd share it for others to use. I haven't been able to create the sheet music for it yet because I'm still trying to figure out how to actually do that (if anyone else wants to create sheets from it, you're welcome to).
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