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Messages - ProfCocoa

I'm a noob, but I'll take Thundersnail if nobody else has already 8D I got here just in time when I finished and submitted by Determination sheet to realize that Maelstrom did it before me LOL
Alright, I believe all of the formatting issues are corrected. The texts were being quite funky, but I got them to work.
Alright, I submitted an edited score. If the .mus file is bad again, can I ask you to create a decently formatted .mus and .musx file for this score? Finale just seems to disagree with my macbook at times haha.
I think I'll just practice making sure my sheets are good by adding everything you recommended and using my own prints, thanks! Also, great idea for the staccato tenutos, I think that'll be an excellent touch to those notes, they really do sound like that.
Ah thank you for saying it's well done! Haha, I actually arranged this piece for a Saxophone quartet and thought I'd contribute to this site I love so much by just transposing it all into a piano arrangement. Thank you for the feedback, I will definitely reevaluate the harmonies, I thought they were slightly wonky myself, but my ear skills just couldn't pop out those harmonies the way I wanted, thank you! I'll just fix up the score, and get that program you mentioned so the .mus file isn't crap, I use Sibelius and don't have finale so it was a struggle to try and get it to work. Thank you!