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Messages - UNOxDExELLOS

Off-Topic / Re: How Ninsheetmusic started.
January 18, 2011, 10:56:59 AM
Then there was the confusing part where G-Han was credited for my submission of the Tetris B-theme some time ago, and my Journey to Silius arrangements were taken down  ???

EDIT: Oh yeah, and my account was deleted. All strange, felt like I was under attack or something... :-\
Off-Topic / How to Create SNES music?
January 18, 2011, 10:54:18 AM
I recently got my hands on the complete instrument samples pack from the Chrono Trigger video game, and I want to create an original composition using CT instruments. The sound samples are in .wav format. How would I go about doing this?

I have these resources:
- viena
- synthfont
- awave studio (30-day trial)

I would like to import them into some software like finale notepad or (preferably) musescore so I can see the notation I'm working with.
Music / Re: Performances of game music
March 21, 2010, 03:07:16 PM
I apologize in advance for the goofy intros at the start of the videos. I don't know what I was thinking back then...

OoT - Hyrule Castle Courtyard
OoT - Song of Storms
Maj. Mask - Song of Healing
OoT - Deku Tree Theme
Chrono Trigger - Lavos Theme
Street Fighter 2 - Ken's Theme

If you know fingering technique, then you'll be able to tell that I've had no lessons :(
Still pretty good though, right?
Piano Arrangements / UNOxDExELLOS arrangements
March 21, 2010, 09:30:02 AM
Hopefully these don't mysteriously disappear from the site again <_<

[NES] Journey to Silius - Title - UNOxDExELLOS

[NES] Journey to Silius - Level 1 - UNOxDExELLOS

[NES] Journey to Silius - Level 3 - UNOxDExELLOS

[NES] Journey to Silius - Level 4 - UNOxDExELLOS

May submit more if these survive the test of time...
Feedback / Where are my arrangements?
March 13, 2009, 07:29:18 AM
Journey to Silius level 1, 2, and 4 (if I remember correctly)...what happened to them? They were taken off the site shortly before the domain name expired. My arrangement for Tetris B type is also missing. Mine replaced G-Han's version because it was agreed that it was a more accurate version, but now it has been taken down and G-Han's is back up again.

What happened?  ???
Feedback / Re: Journey to Silius arrangements?
September 19, 2008, 07:08:02 AM
I'm the one who arranged them, and I certainly did not ask for them to be taken down.

My account name was, but I guess it's been deactivated, so I created this one. I've taken a break for awhile to focus more on school and my band, but now I would like to get back into arranging.

So, can a mod tell me why the JtS sheet music was taken down?

EDIT: After taking a second look at the sheet music archives, I saw that my arrangement of Tetris Theme B is also missing. G-Han arranged it first, than my arrangement replaced his because many ninsheetmusic members thought my version was more accurate. Now his arrangement is back up, and mine was taken down! What's going on here?  :o

EDIT2: Well. It seems that "G-Han's arrangement" is in fact MY arrangement.


I want a logical explanation.  >:(
Feedback / Journey to Silius arrangements?
September 18, 2008, 12:20:43 PM
Ninsheetmusic used to have Journey to Silius arrangements for the title screen and levels 1-4, if I remember. They were here earlier this year. What happened to them?  ???