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Messages - Fawful2003

I'm not entirely sure if these are just really hard pieces to translate, but please, let me know if anyone is working on any of them at all.
The order that I really need them from most to least:

Pursuit ~ Caught
Reminiscence ~ IS-7 Incident
Dane Gustavia ~ Brandished Flavor
Reminiscence ~ Forgotten Legend
Prosecutorial Investigation Comittee ~ Rigorous Justice
Reminiscence ~ Scenery at the Hazy Bridge

Please let me know if anybody is willing to contribute. I really am hoping that someone can help me and also help out Noh_DaKiller in his dilemma. Come on, be a friend and help us out, pal...
I have been trying so hard to figure out the notes to these songs below, and I can't find any sheet music or midis of them ANYWHERE! Please help me out, be a friend, k?

Just letting you know, sometimes when I put in a video of it, it screws could someone please add videos for these if I don't soon.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations:
Pursuit ~ Caught
Reminiscence ~ Scenery at the Hazy Bridge

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney:
Reminiscence ~ Forgotten Legend

Ace Attorney Investigations ~ Miles Edgeworth 2:
(Gyakuten Kenji 2)
Reminiscence ~ IS-7 Inicident
Dane Gustavia ~ Brandished Flavor
Prosecutorial Investigation Comittee ~ Rigerous Justice
Request / [SNES] Mega Man X - Multiple songs
September 24, 2015, 10:25:13 AM
I am currently working on the Mega Man X series game soundtrack of some of my favorite themes/songs, and I would like to know if anybody could help figure out any of the songs below. This may be too much to ask, and I can understand that. However, I am also hoping to figure out the notes of some of these, and if I do, I will reply to this with the title of the song I am working on/finished. I do not know how to upload the sheet music, however, so if someone could tell me how, that would be great!

                                                                                                                   (Sorry if the links/videos aren't working, I am trying to fix it)

Mega Man X:

Opening/Intro Stage

Password Theme

Chill Penguin Stage

Sting Chameleon Stage

Mega Man X2:

Wheel Gator, Dinosaur Tank

Mega Man X3:

Gravity Beetle, Aircraft Carrier

Neon Tiger, Urban Jungle

Doppler Stage 1 + 2
Request / Re: [NES] Mega Man 6 - "Blizzard Man"
September 24, 2015, 09:59:25 AM
I have managed to figure out most of the treble clef, but I have not attempted the bass yet. (Just an update)
Request / Re: [NES] Mega Man 4 (Multiple Songs)
August 01, 2015, 01:05:49 PM
I have been working on the Cossack Citadel Map theme for a while, and I am almost done. I could submit it sometime soon, but if someone could tell me if there is a specific sheet music software i need to use, and where to upload the sheet music to, I will definitely try to finish it. As for the others, I am not so sure...but I will let you know if I want to tackle one of the others 8)
Request / Re: [NES] Mega Man 6 - "Blizzard Man"
July 22, 2015, 09:38:08 AM
Ok, thanks!
Request / [NES] Mega Man 6 - "Blizzard Man"
July 20, 2015, 07:00:50 PM
I was wondering if anybody could help create sheet music for this song. I have the beginning down, but the rest is difficult to figure out. Could somebody please help?
