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Messages - BelowFreezing

Movies & TV / Re: Chowder or Flapjack?
September 12, 2008, 05:25:00 AM
I like both, but I guess I like chowder more. (I'm not your boyfriend...wait....GIRLFRIEND!) ;3
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
September 08, 2008, 07:53:04 AM
Hi, people. :]

I'm iDOWN's little sister. I've heard many things about this place; the great people, the not-so-great people, and my favorite: TWG!
I'm not here to arrange, that's my brother's thing, but I may start arranging in the future. No promises though. :P

Let me see... How about a little bit about myself:

I'm 12 going on 13 (November 14).
I sometimes (-coughmostofthetimecough-) hate my brother to no end. :3 (We strangely get along on the internet. IT sets our differences, I supose.)
I hog the computer on purpose. ;]
I have a Gaia Online account: -Frozen Skittle-
As you can see, I'm BelowFreezing, meaning I can be a b****. ;D (As my brother may have told some of you...)

Um... Yessir. Nuff said.