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Messages - masterofmon

^ What he said.

And I don't know of any other sites >.>
The Crazy Frog song.

It's the song that plays during the majority of that song. It's so epic, I must have it  :o
OK, I got Autumn from him, but he doesn't have Winter.
Off-Topic / I'm making a video game.
August 27, 2008, 09:16:46 PM
It's called Social Board: The Game. It's a Comedy/Adventure RPG. For the main story, you set out to save the Goddesses of fire, water, earth, and wind. There's a continued story after that, but it's a secret. The main characters are:

Gary - Swordsman
Mrs. Smap - White Mage
Kippy - Black Mage
Justin - Thief
Ult - Lancer
Maro - Warrior
Gotanka - Gunner
Jane - Red Mage
Fairy Carey - Green Mage
Hunter - Gunblader
Charmy - Archer
????? - ????
????? - ????????

You start out with the top two on that list. 3 of the characters (and I won't say which 3) can get upgrades. One of those three can get upgraded twice, but only if you make the right choice. What I mean by that is that on his/her first upgrade, you get a choice of what to upgrade him/her to. If you choose one of them, you can get the next upgrade. If you choose the other, you can't.

Here's a link to the videos I've made so far:

I'm currently making the last of the elemental temples to save the last Goddess.
Off-Topic / Re: Blender 3d modeling
August 27, 2008, 08:59:28 PM
Off-Topic / Re: Where do you come from?
August 27, 2008, 08:58:23 PM
Two and a half hours northwest of LA.
OK, I will.


Er.... How do I go about contacting him?
Completed by Clanker37

I see that Spring and Summer are there, but Autumn and Winter aren't  :(

If anyone has them, I'd like to have the whole set.