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Messages - PhoxLogic

Welp, time to give my two cents. Personally, the only (and I mean the ONLY) thing that's stopped me from trying to make submissions on this site, is the lack of ability to submit in MuseScore format. If I were to try and submit arrangements here I wouldn't want to have to touch Finale at ALL. It's old, and quite frankly: I don't like the idea of having to use a (quite deprecated) free trial version of a paid software when I can just use a free program which has a full feature set. I know such an addition/transition would not be smooth... But here's the thing. You can't stick with Finale forever. If that demo isn't being updated, then eventually it might not even run on present-day machines. It'll be as obsolete as Windows XP. Eventually you're gonna have to implement something else... And I don't think it would be wise to delay the inevitable for too long. Even if it isn't implemented right now, I'd suggest at the very least starting on something for it.