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Messages - videogaminglegodude

Quote from: Sebastian on June 19, 2018, 01:06:27 PMI was actually referring to one-on-one via Discord. :P

If you would like to archive this sheet for now and see if someone else would like to help you, that would be perfectly fine. You can resubmit this sheet at any time. My request for giving help is still open if that is something you would like. There are also plenty of others that would be willing to help, as well. Also, if you would like to scratch this song and start fresh on another song, that is also an option. There is a whole world of VGM out there!

I know.  Even over discord still might not look good on my parents scope.  I actually have yet to get a discord because I doubt my parents would allow it, but this is not the first instance where I wish I had one.  I should probably look into it.  [I feel like I should add this in after everything I have said about my parents.  I love them dearly, and I know the feeling is mutual.  However, they know (as do I) that the internet can be a dangerous place, and they can sometimes be a little overprotective.  That being said, perhaps some of those times are me beeing undercautaious.}

I think that perhaps trying another song might be a good approach.  Perhaps I will learn some things that I can cary over into this one.  If I get stuck on something, it usually helps to take a break and come back with a fresh outlook.  Do I have to remove it from submission or does a moderator do that?
Quote from: Sebastian on June 18, 2018, 07:23:45 AMSorry for the untimely response.

I'm not quite sure this submission is ready to be in submissions yet. There is a substantial amount of work that needs to be done to this sheet. I'll give you some pointers:

I believe this sheet's meter should be written much differently. For example, you could make the beats per minute as "Quarter Note - 104" in 2/4 time. This is basically cutting the note values and measures in half.

You are missing a lot of notes. I mean, I can dig only having the bass note in there as the left hand accompaniment, but I would recommend adding in some of the other notes found in the original and double checking all the notes you currently have.

 The formatting is pretty wonky:
- You need to remove the "Pno." symbol.
- You need to add measure numbers.
- The systems are very off balance (concerning measures per system).
- Copyright information is missing.

Those are some examples of what is plaguing this sheet. Please feel free to contact me via Discord for further discussion. I'd be happy to help you 1-on-1 in real time to help you understand any of these points and to continue on with this arrangement.

I will see what I can do, but sometimes finale feels less like I am opperating it am more like I am wrestling with it.  Outside of that, I am pretty cluless when it comes to music theory.  I tried my best to include as much of the bass as possible, and this is not the first time that I have been unable to figure out any more.  Perhaps I would be better off posting my work in the requests form and having someone help me finish it up.  I want to be able to contribute to this site, but my schedual and lack of knowledge is a bit of a handicap.
 I would appreciate the 1-on-1 help, but I don't think my parrents would be crazy about me meeting with someone who I met on a gaming website (I know it's a sheet music site, but all my mom will hear is "video Games."  anything gameing is a preliminary red flag for her) even if it is online.  Plus, I will be gone for a week starting this Saturday, and I will be starting on an internship shortly afterwards.  Perhaps this sheet should be taken down till I have more time and/or knowledge.
Quote from: Sebastian on May 30, 2018, 11:31:45 AMI'll check it out later today.

Again, not to be a bother, but this message was posted over two weeks ago.  If you are busy, then is there any chance that someone else could help with the things base finale can't do?
I think this is the first time I have ever listened to the original.  The tune is still catchy, but their instrument choice makes it sound awful.  Nice job on the arrangement though.  I will try to find ways to improve it if I find the time.
Quote from: Sebastian on May 30, 2018, 11:31:45 AMI'll check it out later today.

Not to be a pest, but for qualities sake, I just want to know if you have gotten to it yet.  Ok if you haven't, I completly understand.
Quote from: Sebastian on May 25, 2018, 06:35:48 AMSome feedback:
- The PDF is quite...dull. It needs sharpened more.
- The measure distribution is very unbalanced. You have one measure in one and eight in another. Distribute them more evenily.
- The bpm (beats per minute) is sorely in need of revision. I would recommend changing the time signature, note values, and slowing the bpm to something more common and/or reasonable.

I'll do some more digging with this arrangement later. I assume you're using Finale Notepad (which is very limited) or importing to a .mus file, so that makes dealing with a .mus file very difficult. If you need some help, I would be very glad to assist you if you wish.

I would greatly appreciate that.  Currently I am using the scanning device at my fathers work to make PDFs (yes I know, I will try to get a better program,) and I don't think Finale Notepad gives me any options as far as changing how the mesures are distributed.  All that said, I am not sure that I can slow the BPM down at all, as it is already an uneven number.  The only way that I could keep the speed acurate is to crank the BPM down to 19, and find notes that are 11 times faster.  Anything else makes it eigther faster or slower than the origional, and since I don't think 88'th notes exist, I am stuck at this.  I am not an expert though, and if I calculated anything wrong, or am simply underinformed about musical theory, please let me know.
I just made a few edits to the files.  Namely, I fixed the composers and sharpened the PDF.
Quote from: Yug_Guy on May 19, 2018, 09:59:33 AMYou... printed off your arrangement and then physically scanned it in order to make a PDF?

Try using this, it should work with whichever Finale program you're using.

Quote from: Sebastian on May 20, 2018, 05:04:41 PMIf you're referring to the categories on the side on the main page, then there is a low chance we'll be adding another. Everything will go under "Other."

Bummer.  Well, at least that keeps splatoon out of the spotlight (my apologies to any splatoon fans I have offended).
Also, Still wondering where I should go to submit a request for a new gaming catagory.  I should be able to take care of the PDF myself, but I don't know what the propper channels are for submitting a gaming theme.
Quote from: Yug_Guy on May 19, 2018, 10:15:42 AMOh... my bad...

You'll probably have to get someone else to make the PDF for you; I'd say for right now, just focus on getting the MUS file in good shape. And now I feel like a jerk...

Will do. you mean fixing the MUS file itself, or just making edits to the music?
Quote from: Yug_Guy on May 19, 2018, 09:59:33 AMYou... printed off your arrangement and then physically scanned it in order to make a PDF?

Try using this, it should work with whichever Finale program you're using.

Not sure if I am doing anything wrong, but my parrents filter is blocking the download...again.  Net nanny needs to get a major reboot or something, because it never blocks anything that it was installed for.  Heck!  I can't access the "other" page on ninsheet because, wait for it "anime."

Sorry, I just needed to rant a bit.

I do have a better scanning tool which I have used in the past, and might as well use that when it becomes available.
Here is the original.

My apologies for the poor quality of the PDF.  I need to find a better method than scanning.

Also, just a suggestion, but is there any chance that we could create a category for the miis?  there are currently three mii games in the others category, and I have arrangements almost completed for a number of others.
Quote from: Bloop on August 02, 2016, 12:11:10 PMIt's a little variation of the ending theme of the first Super Mario Bros.
I understand.  however, it is still unique enough to be its own arrangement I think.  after all, where in the SMB version do you hear an all out "grind-down" type of measure?
Actually, this is not a joke.  Nor did I get the time incorrect.  I am completely serious.  The tune that plays when you rescue...magikoopa?  yes, that one!