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Messages - Baka94

Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the feedback. I didn't originally intend World of Blocks begin specifically for Minecraft, just in general for games that has blocky appearance (like Terraria). Minecraft just is the most known one so I went with it. Just like you said, it's a good variation to use other keys too (than what the current key signature uses). This applies to key signature changes and transposing too. There is a soundtrack called "Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life", which has something like 5-7 key signature changes in it. As for transposing, I think it makes the transposed part sound more intense when you first play a melody and then repeat it, but transposed up a bit.

By the way, few days ago I uploaded a new original song to YouTube that you might want to hear.
It's PMD related  ;)
Here are some compositions and remixes I have made over the years. It would be nice to get some REAL (constructive) feedback on both of them.
Quote from: Bespinben on November 05, 2014, 02:18:41 PMYou did a very good job with your arrangement, especially considering you had to work with the abomination known as Finale Notepad to produce it. Normally, I would give you pointers on things to fix, but since your technology is limited, I simply did that for you, and took the liberty to heavily reformat your sheet with all sorts of fun things like dynamics, articulation, repeat systems, accidental respellings (Bb minor key fixes most of that), hand positioning, fingering, graphics, etc.

It actually looks better now. I did all that I could do with the free version of Finale, because I don't know any better free software for making sheets (well there is musescore but that's not very easy to use imo). I'll edit the submission and change the files.

Quote from: Bespinben on November 05, 2014, 02:18:41 PMThe one thing I am not certain about yet is the title for this song. I'm not sure if it's "Dungeon", "Cave", "Third Person Area", "3D Maze Stage", or all the above. From my research, the Third Person Area yields the strongest search results, but you know this game better than I do.

I took a look at the game's manual and it seems to call them 3D迷路. According to a translator I used 迷路 means maze, labyrinth or blind alley, so I guess "3D Maze" would be a better name.

Quote from: Bespinben on November 05, 2014, 02:18:41 PM(And while I'm it, you wouldn't happen to be a PMD fan, would you Baka97? Just saw your avatar and wondered...  ::))

Yes I am  ;D

Quote from: Bloop on November 05, 2014, 02:30:53 PMAlso, that right hand sure has to make a huge jump in bar 6-7. I do have a feeling the player is able to play the right hand without all the hand positionings, it just seems confusing imo.

Well, you could play the note at the beginning of the 7th bar with your left hand to give some more time to shift your right hand since it's exactly octave apart from the other note you need to play with your left hand.
BTW, are the red notes you added another feature that the free version of finale doesn't have?
I need someone to fix the tempo marking (100 quarters is what I need) and add proper 8vb markings that have the playback effect instead of just begin a text box. Optionally you can add proper looping markings too (I think D.S. should be the right one). The looping is from end to second measure.


Midi if you need it:
Quote from: Deku Trombonist on November 02, 2014, 10:45:32 PMIf there's something your version of Finale can't do, feel free to ask other arrangers or an updater to do it for you.

Where should I ask this? I tried to look if there was a thread for this, but couldn't find one.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on November 02, 2014, 08:43:48 PMRomaji will do. And use the ū if that's a more common use.

With the game I'm talking about uses "uu" more commonly. I'll use that.

Quote from: Bubbles on November 02, 2014, 09:09:23 PMIdk about the specifics in romaji but I personally prefer uu. I know that in the case of ō it could be either ou or oo and it just makes it clearer (anyone feel free to correct me here)

As far as I know the way you pronounce "ō" is usually word specific. word like ōkami turns to ookami and dōshite turns to doushite. With words like tōhō, some turn it to touhou (which is more common) and some turn it as touhoo.

Anyway, my question is that can I write the tempo marking as BPM = 100 or q = 100. Finale Notepad doesn't seem to like the ♩ symbol.
Quote from: SlowPokemon on November 02, 2014, 03:05:37 PMJust make sure you spell it correctly...

Should I write the game's name (it's a Japan only game) in Kanji, Romaji or do I translate it to english? If it's Romaji, do I leave in the "ū", or do I convert it to "uu"?
Quote from: maelstrom. on November 02, 2014, 10:11:47 AMJust choose "other" in the first menu, and check "Can't find what you're looking for?", and type in the name of the game.

And somehow I completelly missed the "other" option. Even though I tried to look if it was there.
I was just about to submit my first sheet, but the game was not listed on the submission page. Does this mean that sheets from that game are not allowed or just that no one has submitted sheets for that game? If it's the latter, how do I submit sheets for a game that is not listed?
Does anyone know any free and easy to use programs for creating sheet music? I have been looking for a while now and I just can't find one...