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Music / Re: Hexameron - An Invitation, an Adventure
June 27, 2015, 05:12:34 PM
Looks good, InsigTurtle. The following criticism is just subjective.

If I were you, I'd avoid spaces where the triplets and regular rhythm collides (measures 32 for example). I do like the way you added the other triplets though, good idea.
I would edit the second voice (appears red in notepad, measures 2-16).

I didn't see any technical mistakes, good job.

I'm done with mine, I might edit slightly. (Maybe a little slower?)
Idea 1: Arrangement of a classical piece, and not a video-game piece.
And when I say classical, I mean all the styles, not just classical, so Ravel and more modern composers are acceptable too along with older Gregorian chants.

Idea 2: Arrangement of a piece where the singer is the main focus. Basically you take a theme and turn it into an air. You could add another score category for who can come up with the best lyrics!

I like your second idea, FierceDeity, but I'd feel more comfortable with a piano behind my quartet.
For the most part, I agree that my arrangement wasn't as enthusiastic as the others, but I have to say in my defence:

The harpischord is not known for its dynamic diversity which is why I didn't mark the harpsichord with any dynamic markings.

I didn't add drums because I don't like unpitched percussion.

That's about it.
Hey guys I figured it out.

NoS is Fenrir and davy is bakasura. Well, see you all in the post game.
Also if there were two wolves then the game would be over right now because i get wolved and then it's just two on two.

Night - davy wolves me

Day - davy cant be lynched. The best the humans can do is to vote for him because at least no human dies.

Night - davy has a new buff and kills another player. If NoS was the nemesis then we really are doomed because the only way the humans can survive is if davy gets really bad buffs like the seer vs kitb buff.

Day - 2 on 1. Davy is probably hoping to win with a good buff or something and he probably will.
Case in point. Davy is a wolf, 100%. You better hope he doesnt get that revive buff.
So if bird and i were wolves, we would vote for maelstrom, win the vote, wolf someone, and win the game.

If there are two wolves left, the nemisis is dead and the wolves have little technical problems
Why is everyone voting for me? It's obvious bird and i aren't a wolf team.

Bird, AwesomeYears got the mana camp.

Sorry, didn't realize that it was a 3 way kitb. Awesomeyears is not bakasura.

I think we narrowed the possibilities of living wolves to be

Bubbles, AwesomeYears could have easily lied. You might be the god who takes two hits to kill. I'm not really convinced, because vote tallies aren't counted.

I don't trust NoS or BDS a whole lot, and I'm really curious why you would think it's an allignment between maelstrom and I.  By process of elimination, anyone who studies this thread can find out that either maelstrom or BDS is agni. And I can't trust that any dead person isn't a wolf.

The reason I attacked the buff wasn't for any wolfish behavour - its a perfectly human thing to want a buff - it was just to find someone i could trust. AwesomeYears got it though and if he denies that he's a wolf for sure.
Either maelstrom or BDS is Agni.

maelstrom or Bubbles, please revive Latios.

My hunch is a Davy/AwesomeYears alligement but I've been wrong before...

You can download it if the formating is poor.
Sorry guys, I have been very inactive.

Bubbles, this is my first game. I'm not sure whether the wolves want me to vote for maelstrom because that was part of my plan or that they want to prove my thoughts wrong by wolfing Latios.

I'm not sure who to vote for, but I'll vote Davy for right now.
Wow I stink at this game.

I'm not sure what the wolves were thinking when they killed Latios. Did they want the attention off of maelstrom, or did they want us to lynch him?

If we revive anyone, it should be Latios.
Good points Latios but that argument could be used against you, since you were at the tie too.

So my ultimate thoughts are that once we kill Latios or maelstrom the humans will win. If my train of thought is accurate, then Latios is most likely the Baka wolf, and if it isn't, maelstrom is fenrir. Any thoughts?

Bubbles, i admit it is far-fetched but i want to consider everything i can.
Bubbles: Perhaps the few arguments you had with NoS were staged only to make it appear that you weren't on a team. That's possible with wolves, but if that's the case, you took a big risk in voting for him. I doubt you and NoS are on the same team, but it's more possible than an AwesomeYears or Bird allience.

Davy: Appears fairly human. I be surprised if he won the attack speed buff, but I do want to hear who won before the end of the night phase. One thing you have against you is that a NoS/Davy team is very very possible.

Latios212: At first I was convinced you were a human, but the more I think about it, the more I see a potential NoS/Latios wolf allignement. I don't think it would just be that you and him are really good friends. When I looked at your posts in this thread, I thought to myself "Could a human make these statements? Yeah, but a wolf could too."

Of course, I'm interested in whatever you guys think.