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Messages - daemok

Quote from: Bespinben on October 31, 2014, 11:52:22 PMTell ya what - I'll whip up an edit of this, and I'll post it here in a day or so. Then tell me if you approve of my manhandling of your sheet or not, and we'll see what happens next.


(You're pretty much the only name I remember from the couple times I'd been on these forums before posting this. So, yeah. Plus your other arrangements ROCK.)

Quote from: FireArrow on November 01, 2014, 01:29:35 PMAre those key changes really necessary? It seems like it'd be better to just leave them as accidentals.

The key changes aren't necessary, I guess, but it makes it easier for me to read. For example, the E minor chords in the first key change are nicer-looking when actually in E minor than they would be marked with naturals in F. If the key changes don't make it easier for other people to read then yeah, they should probably be removed. Thank you for mentioning!
Thanks a lot for fixing up the formatting! I don't actually work in Finale, I use Musescore; in order to get a .mus at all I had to convert the score to MusicXML and then save it in Finale. That's why that looks so bad, haha...

I noticed that in measure 27 the wrong chord's played in the right hand, but hey, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I'll try to figure out how to work with Finale enough to lower the chord. Thanks again!

EDIT: Uhhhh. I should specify that I'm using Finale Notepad, which is apparently crazily limited... And I can't find any decent tutorial with it... If you're ever willing to, or if anyone is, the tempo's 219, and measures 27-28 are these notes:

If anyone could fully iron out the .mus for me that would be incredible. lol
And thanks again, JDMEK5, that was a huge help already. :D