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Messages - Atcero

Request / Re: [N64] Castlevania
July 12, 2024, 08:34:23 PM
Hey npercmusic! Life got busy to say the least, but it is still on the list of something I want to do hopefully soon when life dies down a little bit and I get more freetime for arranging again.
Looks updated to me, not sure why its showing its not. I moved it in and out of dropbox, hopefully that fixed it?
Got that all updated, thank ya!
Projects / Atcero's Aquatic Update Project Sheets
June 21, 2024, 01:23:57 PM
Oh man a new arrangement after being gone for months :please:

Depending on how this one goes/if I have time, I may also do a second short one.

I did simplify a bit just do to how many voices are going at the same time in this song, but I do have a 32nd run that can be eliminated/changed if need be.


Forum Games / Re: Whoevers post last wins. New rule.
April 28, 2024, 07:02:16 PM
Hello LowQualityTunes

Once again the Moderation Team is reminding you to keep in mind the forum etiquette when posting. This includes not posting in threads that are only to be posted in by the players (TWG), and being respectful.

Another breakage of this rule will result in a ban.

Kind regards,
NinSheetMusic Mod Team
And with this sub, all of Aria will be replaced. Quick note for the name as well, it is "Clock Tower", rather than "Clocktower". Double checked the OST right before this.

Now some comments for the arrangement:
I have added in octaves where some where not present to give it a more full sound.
I am unsure of many of the accidentals but hopefully most are correct.
The intro is intended to be played with the left hand catching the lower treble clef notes, and if need be I can add in a performance note cause otherwise that be impossible.
Got that all updated, thank you both!
Site News / 5000 Sheet Milestone Special
March 05, 2024, 06:32:08 PM
Hey all!

As some of you are probably aware, we are fast approaching our 5000 sheet milestone! To commemorate this, we are going to be making a special video with your two favorite pieces you've arranged or, for those who are not arrangers, just favorite sheets on site in general!

To participate, please click here for the form.

Please keep in mind depending on how many submit, we may not be able to include everything, so submitting does not guarantee it will be in the video, but we will be trying our best to get what we can in!

We hope to get this started soon, so please reply as soon as you can.

Thank you to all you peeps who help make this site what it is today, we can't do it without you!
Got that all updated, sorry for the wait! It seems like m19 was supposed to be the Fn and then the m20 Gb from my original file.
Thought I got those, fixed now thank you! Looks like finale did this thing where I edited the notes it merged all the triplets for some reason, so got all them fixed.
Believe I got that all changed minus the left hand/cross staving. I'll save that for later unless we think it is fine for it. Thank ya!
Oh boi its replacement time, and this one comes with 20% less hand breakage.

I am heavily considering however adding a "pedal as needed" performance note, but if thats considered unnecessary and just to leave the whole notes and people can release as needed thats fine too with me.

Got that updated, thank you!
Missed the m11-15 the first time got that added!

For the splitting m21-24, in a previous post, I said I merged it to reduce confusion. Thank ya!
Piano Arrangements / Re: Arrangement Highlights of 2023
December 30, 2023, 08:26:58 AM
Didn't have as much time as I'd hope to to arrange this year cause lyfe. But I did get enough for this countdown


Chapel - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
The last replacement I did for 2023, completed merely a week before Jan 1st :please:. Currently just in my arrangement thread. This song marks only one left for AoS that needs to be replaced.

Hail to the Past - Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
I attempted this song either last year or two years ago, finally just restarted and finished it all in like two sittings cause I got tired of it being a WIP.
 Number the 3

Phantom Palace (Inner Quarters) - Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
A very chill song that was hella fun to do. Had a steady rhythm and vibe to it that made it honestly not the worst to arrange (unlike Clocktower you evil complex mess)

Awake - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Another replacement, this time of easily my fav song in all of CotM. This song marks only one left in CotM that needs to be replaced.

Fillmore - Actraiser
This song is currently still in subs, but easily one of the most fun songs I've arranged in a while since Fillmore is just a banging track from a banging game.

In the coming year I will be finally finishing up replacing CotM and AoS so those can be marked off the CV list of what needs replacin'. After that, prob move onto PoR and little bit of SotN.