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Messages - ulrira35

Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
June 04, 2014, 10:35:12 PM
Oracle of Seasons. Gonna start up that linked game! Also, Kid Icarus: of Myths and Monsters. As you can tell, I've got the nostalgia bug, and bad enough to arrange every track from these games already not on the site. More on that to come, because fortunately, I just got Finale 2014!  ;D God help me as I power through the infamously arduous installation process. Anyone else been playing the oldies recently?
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
May 20, 2014, 01:10:49 PM

I'm actually going to wait to post arrangements until I've got full fledged finale 2014, which I'll have by mid June. Until then I'll just doctor some things.

By the way, I forgot to mention: I'm a logophile and miscellaneous instrument enthusiast. Yes, I can play several jobs of ocarina! But I'd suppose that's less of a rarity here than elsewhere on the 'net.
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
May 20, 2014, 12:20:00 PM
Hey guys! ulrira35 here with an introduction. Where to start?

I've been following NSM for quite a while. It wasn't until I met a certain staffer in-person (and quite coincidentally) when the site happened to pop up in conversation, that I decided to join the forums and start contributing. Selfish, no? Even then, it was about a year before I actually joined. I'm a trombonist and student of music composition, and a GREAT appreciator of music theory, so before I say anything else, if you've ever got a theory question I can answer, I will gladly take a shot, and maybe even spend hours and hours of time doing in-depth research as a result  ;)

When I say I've been an NSM follower (or leech) for a while, I mean six or seven years. I was there for the domain crisis, screaming inwardly and not knowing what to do with myself without some Zelda music to play. In fact, I credit NSM with causing me to pursue music education. How?

love of Zelda -> love of music -> desire to play Zelda music -> not being able to play Zelda music without a keyboard -> getting a keyboard -> finding the sheet music -> finding NSM -->> NSM perpetuated my continued interest in music, generally.

And without all that keyboard experience, I'd've had a much tougher time in my first year of college playing the piano, and writing music for that matter. 

And that completes the "why I'm here" section of the introduction. Nice to meet you! Don't be shy in sending me PM's just to chat or for specific requests for arrangements or transcriptions (but on second thought, those are probably better posted to the forum). My game base includes a lot of N64, GB and GC games, but if I don't have the music, it really isn't that hard to find a track online and dictate it.

Aside from Nintendo music and games of all sorts, my interests include:
  • Lingustic study. I speak elementary Japanese, and I'm starting to learn ASL. I've also got a rooted interest in constructed languages of all sorts.
  • Outdoorsmanship. I'm an Eagle Scout, and in my adventures with my troop, I've done A LOT of backpacking, and really all manner of outdoor activities. Marksmanship, archery, water sports. Heck, I even own the Ashley Book of Knots.
  • Anime. I've watched as much anime on Netflix as I can. I tend to stay away from big series shows and gravitate towards the 30-episode sort of production. I've probably seen everything with a wolf in it.
  • Michigan, 'cause that's where I'm from.
  • And everything else I forgot!

There you have it. I, ulrira35, do solemnly swear to post as many arrangements on NinSheetMusic as I possibly can, as soon as I can.

Once again, it's great to come out of the shadows and officially join the forums! Ciao for now.