
Debate topic for next Tuesday: Are cannons truly valid instruments for an orchestra? Or should they be replaced with something safer, like Tesla coils?

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Messages - Wrydryn

Well I haven't played in forever but why not I guess. This should be fun.
Also how is the spoop most best decided in Night 2 that makes it fair enough?
Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
September 15, 2016, 06:01:48 AM
What can we say, we like sharing good news in our life!
^That's concerning. I usually want to avoid the symptoms, not experience them again!

What you're really doing is really most of what you can do to prevent getting sick. Staying hydrated and getting the nutrients your body needs is the most it can really ask of you. Making sure you're getting the required amount of sleep is great too. Just don't go overboard with sleeping too much since that could throw you off a little bit. Otherwise keep it up and take something to relieve the symptoms if they come up.
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
September 11, 2016, 09:38:02 PM
Hey, if you need or want to talk about it send me a PM or hit me up on Skype. Better to vent than let it bleed over here.
Off-Topic / Re: Shadowkirby is unbanned, rants
September 11, 2016, 07:11:22 PM
So from what I know, given that it was uploaded through the Panel and not just a post in the Submission part of the forum or just even a post in off-topic that's formatted for the Submission I think a ban was justified. It does end up making more work however short when something like this is done. Even if it's a parody and still technically plagiarism you still need to know your audience and this is the result of that. I hope going forward we can continue to have a solid stance on alts and re-uploading others work so nobody feels slighted on expectations of rules.

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on September 11, 2016, 03:22:01 PMI didn't authorize that
Don't worry, I'm still dead inside.Kidding
Off-Topic / Re: Shadowkirby is unbanned, rants
September 11, 2016, 03:08:40 PM
Hello everyone! As far as I know I'm still alive and healthy.
Off-Topic / Re: Shadowkirby is unbanned, rants
September 11, 2016, 01:58:47 PM
Glad to see the issue was resolved and is at least promoting some discussion about the management of the forums.
I was sitting around 60% the other day but now I've tanked to around 8%. The lag is killing me :/
So who's going to unlock all the characters here first?
And Dude is the winrar of the code! Be sure to let us know what you think about the demo!
PC / Re: Dota 2
September 12, 2014, 11:02:13 PM
I've been playing a lot of Dota 2 as well. I've fallen in the 2k range for now, but given enough time in ranked I hope to raise to 3k since I think I have the skills to reach that point. (Although it's awfully hard to support your way there).

You can check out my dotabuff here:
Although I'm not nearly as active as I one was I lurk from time to time.
Hey guys, I have an extra code available right now that I got from someone. Seeing as a few people may want it I hope to give everyone an equal chance to get it somehow. I'm thinking of just using RNG for people who say they want it. Send me a pm if you want a chance to be drawn and I'll let the pms come in until 12pm EST tomorrow. Good luck!
"Do as I say, not as I do."?
Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
January 15, 2014, 01:43:27 PM
Hatched a shiny Pineco! (Although it doesn't have all the stats I'm looking for :<)