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Messages - Psychic_Ness

Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
July 19, 2016, 06:18:38 PM
Quote from: ZeldaFan on July 05, 2016, 03:29:39 PMI remember Dokoco and Darth Makar (she was cool)

Welcome back, Psychic_Ness!

Thanks man
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
July 02, 2016, 12:41:32 PM
Quote from: Deku Trombonist on July 02, 2016, 08:59:55 AMMaybe it's about time someone writes the NSM History book.

Nobody is around who can do it lol
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
July 02, 2016, 06:33:19 AM
I'm "back" again.

Hi everyone. I used to be an active member back when the original admins were pretty active: Dokoco, Aquanistic, Darth Makar (aka Fox IV), etc. Back then I was a flute player and many of the pieces on the site were not optimized for the flute so it was pretty tough sometimes. When I stopped playing music this site sort of fizzled into the background for me. Since then I've been off and on here but it was difficult to come back without knowing anyone. I'm going to start piano lessons soon so I hopefully I can make better use of the sheetmusic here and the talented community.
Off-Topic / Re: Relationships
April 18, 2014, 11:41:41 PM
Quote from: SuperFireKirby on April 18, 2014, 11:15:16 PMDude, from what it sounds like, you're trying wayyyyyy too hard. Dating is pretty fucking simple when it boils down to it. Look sharp, be confident, you see a girl who has something that clicks, you talk to her and with the right mixture of timing and dumb luck, you might just get a date.

You should totally get to know someone a bit before moving forward with anything, but you can't be a cautious little ninny or else you'll miss your chance at getting what you actually want. An intimate relationship.

But oh no, what if it doesn't work out and she rejects me or we break up??? Well tough shit, at least you took a shot. So it wasn't meant to be, big deal. Go out there and try again.

You can't just spend your whole life testing the waters or you'll eventually be the only person left on the shore. Grow some balls and take the fucking plunge.

Well no what I'm describing doesn't require trying hard. It allows relationships to take a steady natural course with gradual increases. Successful relationships seem to be ones that bud slowly over time.

Dating is the same as testing the waters. So is the method I'm proposing. With what I proposed there are fewer social barriers and it allows you to get to know more people at the same time than dating one person. You get to spend as much time as you want with any of the individuals without underlying drama. This allows you to make a better and more informed decision at the end of the day compared to doing so much earlier in the relationship. This is opposed trying with everyone one at a time from the bottom up. Think parallel vs sequential processing.


"I regret nothing. It's not time wasted, we still had fun, we still learned from it."

I agree that it's a learning experience and not time wasted. I feel that sometimes the pain associated can be avoided though and you still end up having the same outcome (you're not together and you both understand why).

My personal experience is that I have broken too many hearts and I hate it. I have let the infatuation take over me for a while and then when it's gone I realize I'm not interested anymore and I break her heart.

SFK, I'm not afraid of taking plunges and being rejected and all that stuff. I dislike hurting other people in the process.
Off-Topic / Re: Relationships
April 18, 2014, 10:46:47 PM
Quote from: FierceDeity on April 18, 2014, 10:21:24 PMThat's why I decided to follow my gut reaction and laugh my ass off

oh man, too funny

Relax, dude. Clearly things have been working for you without trying what I said so whatever floats your boat.

What I've been describing based off of observation and experiences. Whenever a relationship is falling/ has fallen apart with a girl I used to be involved with, we actually discuss what happened, why it didn't work out, and how we could make future relationships better. The topics I posted were common themes in all my discussions which were generally agreed upon.
Off-Topic / Re: Relationships
April 18, 2014, 08:28:50 PM
Quote from: FierceDeity on April 18, 2014, 08:00:36 PMLaughing too hard to keep arguing, I give up

So the spark thing right? If your relationship solely relies on it, then it's not a very strong one. Enjoy it, but wait it out before taking the relationship a step further.

A year isn't a long time. And if you can't be friends with someone that long without losing interest in each other, then the chance of sustaining a much longer term and deeper relationship is much lower. Yes the only way of finding out whether you can be in a relationship with them is by actually being in a relationship with them. But the foundation of friendship should be there first and this foundation (your common interests, time spent with each other, etc.) will seem better than it actually is during the time when you're infatuated with one another.
Off-Topic / Re: Relationships
April 18, 2014, 07:14:33 PM
Exactly, BDS.

Initially when we like someone, we see everything they do through rose-tinted glasses. Let that phase die down so that you can make better choices. Before you say and feel things you don't really mean. For me personally, infatuation period lasts around 6 months. The less I interact with that person the longer it takes. You should be able to be friends with someone before dating them. I don't believe in relationships that exist only on the intimate level. There isn't much happiness in those from what I have seen.

Quote from: SuperFireKirby on April 18, 2014, 03:31:50 don't have much real world experience, do you?
If you want to torture yourself and risk infinite friendzoning, sure.
Unless you feel like having a nice afternoon with someone you're attracted to, sure.
Completely wrong, but sure.
Yes, because overthinking things make everything better, so sure.
Not true, but our society has developed the idea that requires men to initiate interaction and dating shit, while women are supposed to wait because if they took the role of "asking out" it could be seen as too forward or even creepy. But with women becoming more and more independent, these social stigmas are likely to change.

You obviously have yet to be introduced to the concept of "Risk and Reward".

Infinite friendzoning. So if the girl wants to friendzone you, don't waste your time considering her and trying to win her over. State your intentions, make sure she is clear about her decisions, then move on. Do you really want someone that doesn't want you? That should definitely be a factor in your feelings for someone, mutuality. It's very difficult for me to like a girl that has no interest in me and that plays out very well in terms of one-sided affection.

Back to the lunch and coffee thing. Unless you've established a reason for them to go with you I suggest not randomly inviting someone to lunch and coffee. Very rarely will a girl say yes to that offer unless she herself feels like taking a risk. Or unless you manage to ask her to lunch and coffee in the most amazing way that really leaves an impression on her.

You don't have to over-think a scenario that forces you to interact with her. You have to think, yes. If it's too difficult, then you probably don't have enough in common with her to be liking her anyway.

I would like to see the day that girls take initiative in asking guys out when they like them. Rather than just gossiping about the guy until word somehow finally reaches the guy and then the guy makes the move.

Is it society or evolution that has shaped this kind of thinking? It's funny that you bring that up because in nature, the guys tend to the ones courting the girls. I think this is because the females tend to be more selective about their partners because their sexual organs are a limited resource etc. There are theories you can read about. Makes sense.

Edit: So there were more posts while i was typing this. Yes I am saying ignore the spark. Ideally I would say "don't let it take control over your" but let's be realistic. The infatuation takes control over us even if we don't acknowledge it. So I'm saying. Whatever it is, give it time. If after x months/years of getting to know them it's still there, THEN there's something worth pursuing to you.

Yes this sounds like dating but dating is inefficient cuz the moment you are dating someone it's exclusive and you are limiting yourself to one person at a time. We put up subconscious barriers to close off other people from getting close to us cuz we already have a dating partner. "Ok , she is my friend so I shouldn't get too close to her cuz then my girlfriend will get jealous. Yeah I probably shouldn't invite her to see that movie alone cuz I shouldn't cuz I have a girlfriend already. But I do want to spend time alone with her." etc. It complicates scenarios that wouldn't need to be complicated. Get to know many people through friendship. Then choose the one that you feel closest to, to date.


Don't worry about it and go for it. There was this one girl who I knew in elementary school from 1st to 5th grade. When middle school started we moved and did not see each other again until she popped up after I added a mutual friend of ours on facebook in freshman year of college. I sent her a message on facebook and she actually did not remember me... But we talked about stuff that happened in class and had a great conversation. We hit it off really well and now we're really great friends.

So for you, whether or not she remembers those first 6 months doesn't really matter.
Off-Topic / Re: Relationships
April 18, 2014, 03:13:59 PM
Guys and Girls:

If you like someone I strongly suggest you be friends with them first for like a year and hold off any initial emotions you may have. Get to REALLYYYY know them or else you're going to be in for a massive, massive, massive, headache. At first, that feeling of having a crush on someone tends to overrule logical decision making. The infatuation period should go away after a while (varies by person). That's when you can really make decisions regarding how much you like the other. During the infatuation period everything is going to amazing. Any small detail any little thing you have in common will be blown out of proportion in your head. Any negative traits will be largely ignored.

Guys approaching girls:

Don't start by asking to lunch or coffee. That stuff only works in movies or if the girl is actively looking for someone at the moment, which is rare. Most girls are either taken or not looking. What are the chances that the girl you end up with in the future is currently single? Not high. Make friends with everyone single or not and have a good time regardless. If it's "meant to be" then you'll both come to some kind of realization eventually regardless of the initial circumstances upon which you met. Conversely, girls that are currently taken shouldn't close themselves off completely. Obviously this does not apply to relationships that have already been established very strongly. One thing to note however is that length of time is not necessarily a good indicator of relationship strength.

So the lunch or coffee thing not working? No of course the girl will be weirded out. The most important thing is that first conversation. Make it meaningful and really try to find common ground. Something that could become chronic. How to make the first conversation happen? If you periodically talk to each other no problem. If you are admiring her from a distance (why do you like her anyway... but ok let's give the benefit of the doubt I am guilty of this kind of affection as well), create a scenario in which you are forced to interact. Make it clever and subtle.


You have it easy gtfo.

Music / Zelda Symphony
August 02, 2011, 06:56:08 AM
Music / Cold-Hearted Arctic Abyss DKC2
July 25, 2011, 06:14:52 AM
Music / Re: Perfect Pitch
February 27, 2011, 06:33:57 PM
I think it's a pretty nice skill to have and especially useful if writing music. Wow I've been out of it so long I don't remember what the word is for writing down music you hear. Transcribing?
Music / Perfect Pitch
February 25, 2011, 04:33:15 AM
Who has it?

I'm pretty sure I made a topic like this in the old forums but you guys are new so I wouldn't know.

If I'm not mistaken... Co.20 and Dekutrombonist possess this ability.
Nintendo / Re: Zelda 25th Anniversary Art
February 25, 2011, 04:21:31 AM
Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on February 24, 2011, 09:22:29 PMI'm surprised, I don't see Sheik anywhere.

or am I wrong?
He didn't repeat characters so no sheik.
Music / Zelda music
February 22, 2011, 06:57:33 AM
I posted a video in the nintendo thread containing some epic music.

I also found this which is pretty good.