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Messages - JohnK

Music / Re: Game Music...on the organ
April 04, 2014, 02:28:14 PM
Honestly, it's probably because nobody/very very very few people actually liked Wii sports  ;P
Music / Re: Game Music...on the organ
March 26, 2014, 05:26:20 PM
Honestly, what I'd absolutely love to have is a keyboard instrument that follows the basic organ concept (2+ keyboards and pedalboard, many selectable and combinable voices, etc.) and combines that with a high quality MIDI workstation. Basically, your typical Casio on steroids. It would open up so many wonderful possibilities and make for some very fun and interesting arrangements. Does such a beast exist in real life?
I think I might be able to do A City in the Stars.
Music / Re: Connectable Keyboards?
February 15, 2014, 03:44:52 PM
I have a cheap Casio that I got for Christmas 12 years ago, which works OK for what it is. There's probably a gazillion of them in thrift stores all across the country that were probably only used twice. Sadly, my MIDI cable's on the fritz, so I haven't fired it up in a while.

Honestly, the thing that bothers me the most about MIDI keyboards isn't the sound (it's OK, although very bland), but the touch. Maybe it's because I learned primarily on an old player piano and a baby grand (both had stiff actions), but the touch of most MIDI/Digital keyboards always feels like I'm sliding on ice or slushing through mud. The lack of touch sensitivity is also annoying (it DOES do wonders for your accuracy, though  ;) ). I just need that feel of resistance to really play evenly. Guess I'm just weird  :-\
Music / Re: Game Music...on the organ
February 15, 2014, 03:21:47 PM
Anyways, new vid with a new VST (based on this....thing  :o)
I first used this in the Sand Bird video, but I really pushed it to the limit with this one. It pretty much overloads my soundcard, so I had to record each part individually and mix them together. Not fun, but the sound is quite frankly unlike anything I've ever heard. It's sorta like synth strings, but there's something just very....powerful that really just hits you in the gut. Listening to this on a high-end surround system is really quite an experience. But TBH, it's really more trouble than it's worth, since this VST pretty much copies every stop (God only knows how many that is), and they're all super quiet. So to get an audible sound, you either have to select big sweeping gobs of 'em, or pick and choose carefully. It's a royal pain in the pooper  :P
Music / Re: Game Music...on the organ
February 14, 2014, 05:58:07 PM
I think that was it. It's been a while, though :P
Music / Re: Game Music...on the organ
February 11, 2014, 03:19:23 PM
Quote from: JDMEK5 on February 10, 2014, 09:01:51 PMThat's because you haven't seen
(Not till you've beaten it)
Reminds me of that old ghost story about the "cursed" Majora's Mask cart and the dead boy or something along those lines. Anyone else ever remember it?

Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2014, 07:50:43 AMBut I'll never beat majora's mask D:

Sheesh, I think it took my brothers and I a year or two of tag-team relay playing to finally beat OoT. Not even FFVII took us that long  :o
Music / Re: Game Music...on the organ
February 09, 2014, 04:23:05 PM
Je suis americain  8)
Music / Re: Game Music...on the organ
February 09, 2014, 03:03:33 PM
Well, here ya go :P I played around with mixing and balance, which resulted in two different versions. One has more panning and stereo effects, while the other has more dynamic range.
Honestly, I never really liked Majora's Mask as much as I did OoT or ALttP. It was good, but it just lacked ne sais pas. My brothers and I played those latter two games so much, we had 3 copies of each so we didn't hog it (or we somehow managed to break SNES/N64 carts, which is frankly impossible   ;) ). There weren't too many games that were really that good.

Also, here's the same song on an (electric) organ:
Music / Re: Game Music...on the organ
February 08, 2014, 12:04:47 PM
Gah, I'm so frackin' tired today I can't keep these things straight   :P :-[
Music / Re: Game Music...on the organ
February 08, 2014, 10:36:07 AM
I somehow managed to misread that and did the Song of Storms instead. Oopsy doops  :P
Music / Game Music...on the organ
February 07, 2014, 02:01:50 PM
I recently rediscovered an organ VST on my computer that is quite frankly proven to be quite interesting to experiment with. I downloaded it a couple years ago to make eerie background music for a haunted house (Toccata and Fugue) and forgot about it. Playing around with it, I'm really shocked at the amount of tonal colors you can coax out of it. The VST has a bevy of 104 stops (sound ranks, supposed to be spread over 4 manuals and a pedal keyboard, which would probably require one hell of a setup :o), which can be whisper soft or create a hell of a racket. It's a shame that the organ's been pigeonholed into hymns, weddings/funerals, and spooky music, because it really does seem to have a lot of hidden potential just waiting to be exploited  :-\

Any requests?
Request / Re: [N64] Paper Mario - "Sad Sun"
October 03, 2013, 01:58:37 PM
Clavichord?  ;D
Request / Re: [N64] Paper Mario - "Sad Sun"
October 02, 2013, 04:54:19 PM
I think an organ would work nicely, although I doubt many people here have an organ or that there are many video game tunes arranged for organ  :P

Also, why does this song remind me of the Mission Impossible theme song?