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Messages - ghost_tricker

Okay, I probably seem like a total idiot, but I'm still not quite understanding. (Have pity on a n00b!) :-[ If I made a a topic in the submission forums, titled something like, "ghost_tricker's rad arrangements", and put up a song with links to a midi, .mus and a pdf, how would that differ from actually submitting it? Like, um, what would need to be done differently so i would indeed be submitting said song? (again, I just have no clue how it works haha)  :)
Hmmm, I'm confused. I found it in the submission forums. Doesn't that mean that it was submitted?  ???
Update: I found one in the submission forums! I'm pretty sure this is the one i saw a while ago. Why isn't this on the main page yet?
Completed by tallonmetroid

[GBA] Kirby and the Amazing Mirror - "Cave/Rocky area"

This is my favorite song from Kirby and the amazing mirror. I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere in the submission forums like a year ago but it still isn't up. So yeah. This song rocks.