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Messages - Nayru64

Well, jdmek5's link kinda 403'd on me, so i'm assuming you still need the MIDI then. Here it is:
Holy crap, you have a LOT of requests >.<
Unfortunately, most of them are a little out of my league as far as arranging goes.
Fortunately, this one is not :D I have done as you requested!

Audio File
.mus file

Enjoy! Let me know how you like it.
Piano Arrangements / Re: Nayru64's Arrangements
July 29, 2013, 04:54:56 PM
Ohhh. Got it, thanks!
Piano Arrangements / Re: Nayru64's Arrangements
July 29, 2013, 03:53:58 PM
Awesome, thanks for the feedback, you guys!
I fixed the modulation thing, as well as the obnoxious youtube link spam :P as long as we're talking about post formatting though, how do I condense the dropbox links like I've seen so many people do? (i.e. instead of the super long hyperlink, just "MUS" or "MIDI")
Piano Arrangements / Re: Nayru64's Arrangements
July 29, 2013, 01:51:25 PM
Thanks! :D
I've fixed what you pointed out. Also, this may be a stupid question, but how exactly do I submit them to the main site?
Piano Arrangements / Moderator please remove
July 29, 2013, 01:26:02 AM
Sorry for being so fickle, but I made a different account because I wasn't fond of this name. If you see this and are a moderator, please delete this topic. Thanks.