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Messages - Jerry_Appleby

Request / [MUL] Catherine: Full Body - multiple songs
January 24, 2020, 11:33:23 AM
There's a few songs I really really love in the game and wanted to learn how to play them on piano, if it's possible.

My favourite one:
Axis Mundi
I'm terrible at learning by ear, but I've figured out the basic chord progression, which seems to be F#min7, then E Major, then DMaj7. I have trouble learning the melody and the rest of the bass line, so if anyone could create this one for me I'd be really appreciative! :D

Moonlight Sonata Op, 27-2 (Final Boss Battle)
Yes I know it's a remix of the classic song Moonlight Sonata which you can find everywhere, but I'd really like to see how difficult this version would be to play! :P

Silent Sheep (Main Menu Theme)

Thus Spoke Brooks (Smooth Jazz ver.)

There's even more songs that I love in the game and want to learn, but I don't want to post too many requests! I'm not expecting someone to go out and do all of these, but the more the better. ;)
Request / Re: [MUL] Yooka-Laylee: Multiple Songs
April 23, 2017, 05:29:37 PM
Quote from: Sebastian on April 23, 2017, 10:57:56 AMI have some more Yooka-Laylee planned. Wait to see which ones I do next ;)

I'll look forward to them! Loving the entire soundtrack, so whatever ones you plan next, I'll be excited!  ;D
Quote from: Sebastian on April 23, 2017, 10:55:30 AMSure thing!

I hope you enjoy them. : )

Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it!
Once I learn Hivory Towers, I'll upload it to my Youtube page so you can see how it turned out! :D The sheets look great from first glance!

I can't wait to try out the other 2 as well, probably gonna spend a lot of time playing them!
Request / Re: [MUL] Yooka-Laylee: Multiple Songs
April 23, 2017, 10:37:50 AM
Quote from: Latios212 on April 23, 2017, 10:34:06 AM[youtube]your link here[/youtube]
Sebastian arranged Hivory Towers; you can find it in submissions.

Thank you! :) I actually just found his link on the other forum, so I'll link his here :)
Hi! I saw in your original post that if people would like a PDF of some songs, you'd be happy to create one for them.

Is it possible for you to make me a PDF of a few songs? :D

Yooka-Laylee: Hivory Towers
Conker's Bad Fur Day: Rock Solid
DK64: Army Dillo Rematch

All those songs are ones I've been wanting to play for a long time!
I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
Request / [MUL] Yooka-Laylee: Multiple Songs
April 23, 2017, 10:26:49 AM
The soundtrack for Yooka-Laylee is amazing, and I'm really hoping that someone might be able to make sheets for a few of them eventually! :D

The ones I've listed are some of my favourites, and I would love to see some sheets for them!

Armed & Dangerous
(One of my 2 favourite songs from the game!)

Tropic Trials
(Another favourite of mine!)

Capitol Cashino

Capitol Cashino Variant 1
(Pretty much the same as the main version but just the bass line and some ambient chords) Sounds like it might be pretty easy to make. I think it only uses like C, G, and F# mostly.

Hivory Towers
(Already done by Sebastian: )
Other Performance Videos / Re: Jerry's Piano videos
April 06, 2017, 09:06:16 PM
I added some new songs to my page here :)

I made a Youtube account at the start of the new year, so moved a lot of my songs over there, as well as added some new ones in the last few months!

Sonic Adventure: Windy & Ripply

Sonic Adventure: Twinkle Park

Casino Night/Mushroom City

The first 2 Sonic ones are songs I really love, easily some of my all-time favourites from Sonic Adventure!!! Twinkle Park sounds especially awesome :D

The last one was from a random music meetup at my university. They asked me to play a random gaming song or two, so I played a remix of Casino Night from Sonic 2 (remixed with some Sonic Generations stuff), followed by Mushroom City from Mario Kart Double Dash. I kinda messed up Casino Night a bit due to being out of practice and put on the spot, but I thought the Double Dash song went well :)
I ordered the soundtrack for this game and have been listening to it nonstop for the last hour. I'm really excited for it! I hope someone eventually makes sheets for all the songs so I can learn them all! :D
Fulfilled requests / Re: [MUL] Jetpack Joyride Theme
December 11, 2016, 11:00:43 AM
Quote from: savvasl on December 11, 2016, 03:29:01 AM:)

Sorry for the huge delay, he says he didn't put it up on his Musescore page or Youtube yet, but he will upload it to Youtube later today probably.
Here's his channel, keep an eye out :)
Here's the song:

Also, could a mod put this in the fulfilled request section since it's no longer needed?
Thanks :)
Quote from: Latios212 on November 19, 2016, 06:37:43 PMOh dang, that was fast, two hours? That's impressive. I'm glad to see you play my sheet and glad you enjoyed it :D

I know the sheet can be a bit demanding at some points; try to take it easy a bit! I love your enthusiasm, but try and slow down a little, to really make sure you hit the right notes. It's not a fast song, so no need to rush!

Just a bit of (hopefully?) helpful feedback, haha. Thank you again!

Yeah I know it needs improvement :P I'm just a pretty good sight reader and one of my friends didn't believe I could learn songs that fast, so I went ahead and posted that to show him that I could lol.

I tend to have a habit of speeding up all my songs accidentally, which causes me to make mistakes. :P I get so nervous that I'm gonna make a big mistake that my mind speeds up the song to get my through it quicker  :o It's noticeable in most of the videos I've made (there's a link in my sig if you wanna check it out).

I'm sure I'll probably do another recording of this one after a few more days of practice when I can really nail down the parts that I have trouble with ;)

Hey, just wanted to say great work on the Hau'Oli City theme. I love it!!

I just learned the song about 2 hours ago and made a video of me playing it :D
Pokemon Sun/Moon: Hau'Oli City (Night)

(It's through my Facebook since I don't have a Youtube account right now) I made a few small errors since I only just learned it, but I love the song so I don't care :P
Other Performance Videos / Re: Jerry's Piano videos
November 19, 2016, 03:58:15 PM
New song added today :D

Pokemon Sun/Moon: Hau'Oli City (Night)

I only learned the song about 2 hours ago though, so it has a few small errors, but overall I'm fairly happy with how I did in that short amount of time :)
Fulfilled requests / Re: [MUL] Jetpack Joyride Theme
November 18, 2016, 10:07:59 PM
Quote from: savvasl on November 10, 2016, 09:53:15 PMSorry but if possible can you upload the sheet please ?

I asked him to post them here, but he hasn't signed into the site for a while. (Probably busy with his schoolwork) I'll see if I can find the dropbox link he sent me, it's somewhere on my facebook. Give me a couple days, I'll see what I can do :)
Other Performance Videos / Re: Jerry's Piano videos
November 18, 2016, 10:06:32 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on November 02, 2016, 02:41:25 PMWhile right now isn't a good time, if you're wanting more Wario, request it & I'll move it to the front for you! Right now is incredibly busy -_-' don't get me wrong, I'd still try to get the sheet done, but it would take longer

I'm not in a rush for them so don't worry :) Plus I feel bad about always requesting random stuff on that forum since I don't have the skills to compose them myself  :P

Site News / Re: Update, Thursday 17th of November 2016
November 18, 2016, 10:05:08 PM
I literally just got to Hau'Oli City in the new Pokemon game and was about to suggest someone make the music for it, but was very happy to see someone already did!  ;D  ;D  ;D