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Messages - Banjoman

thank you so much for even considering it!  ;D
Request / [WiiU] Super Mario 3d World- "credits theme"
December 01, 2014, 02:25:52 AM

If it's to hard to make the arrangement for just the piano, feel free to make it for a band!
(or of you don't do that, please try your best)  ;D

Seeing as we have no songs from this game, I thought this would be a good way to start it off!
A big thanks to anyone who arranges this! ;D
I don't mean you have to write the words, just translate them into notes. In case you're wondering
I hope this isn't to hard to make, on account of the singing parts, but I would really appreciate it. Here's the link (Pun intended)
Can't wait to see it!
Ok, thanks for trying   :)
Gruntilda's lair was perfect,as was witchyworld and Banjo house blues keep up the AWESOME WORK!!!!!!!!
Hi, could someone please make this a base clef arrangement. I would really appreciate it because  it's my favourite song in the game. I'll email you the song when you say you'll make it because I don't know how to put it on this website.
Me too!
Do you play trombone
Thank you so much!!!! plus I'm a really big fan of your work
Is that the music, because I'm on my phone right now so I can't check until my laptops charged
I don't know how to put a YouTube link on this Web site :'(
Fulfilled requests / [N64] Banjo-Tooie - "Kickabout"
March 21, 2013, 03:29:31 AM
Completed and on site

Could someone please make this into sheet music. I would prefer it to be in base clef but treble is good as well. Thanks to the person who makes it. If you search it up on YouTube it should be there.