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Messages - Pyre

Help! / Re: Time signature question on Finale
August 03, 2009, 09:43:09 AM
Quote from: Composer #40 on August 03, 2009, 08:16:36 AMExpression Tool -> Tempo Marks -> Select/Create a tempo and click edit -> Click on the tempo tab -> uncheck "Match playback tempo to metronome marking text" -> Type in the tempo for the quarter note -> click the drop-down menu and find "Dotted quarter note".

It's essential to keep the tempo the same number value or it won't work. Put it on the the 12/8 measure and there shouldn't be a change in speed.
There's also a shortcut that I've found where you can make a tempo expression to signify the change in time; "(quarter note = dotted quarter note)". Vise-versa also holds true but you have to set the tempo for these expressions.

Alright, thanks a lot! I'll try it out now!
Help! / Re: Time signature question on Finale
August 02, 2009, 08:00:05 PM
Quote from: Composer #40 on August 02, 2009, 07:24:28 PMWhen you change the time from quarter note = 1 beat to dotted quarter note = 1 beat the tempo follows suit. Make a tempo expression by having a dotted quarter note equal the tempo for that section. How long is the 12/8 section?

The section isn't too long. I haven't finished it yet, so I don't know for sure.

And where exactly do I change the beat duration?
Help! / Re: Time signature question on Finale
August 02, 2009, 02:35:26 PM
Quote from: Composer #40 on August 02, 2009, 11:33:37 AMUse the 'Time Signature' tool and select that measure. Alter 'beat duration' untill you find what you are looking for. I clicked left once from 4/4 time and found what I think you're looking for.

Actually, it was to the right, but I still found it. I feel kinda stupid now.  :P


EDIT: The time signature works, but finale still plays it way too slowly! The beat is completely different for no reason. It's not counting eighth notes or anything, just playing it slower.... Ugh... I'll look at it later tonight...
Help! / Time signature question on Finale
August 02, 2009, 09:42:38 AM
I've read through the instruction book and everything, and can't find how to do this... I want to make a 12/8 measure, with a 4/4 feel. (So it would count 1,2,3+4,5,6+7,8,9+10,11,12)

Allegro just seems to want to count the eight notes as quarter notes,, when I want the dotted-quarter to count as the quarter.

And all of the eighth notes are beamed separately, and I can't find that, either.... Anyone know how to fix this?
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on August 01, 2009, 07:43:53 you can copypasta the midi?

But no, I see what you mean.  Easier to distinguish a melody and bass and such.

I have no idea how to copy the midi. I've seen it talked about here, but that's beyond me. I do it all by ear; mostly for practice so I can write my own stuff easier.
Quote from: Cobraroll on July 31, 2009, 06:34:40 AMWhat about the SSBB version?

Have fun! And don't bother looking for the lyrics, they aren't on the Net yet.

I would, but like I said, I really suck at doing actual orchestrated stuff. I'm probably going to stick with the old MIDI songs.
Quote from: Cobraroll on July 25, 2009, 11:22:06 PMWhat about the fabled Main Theme? It's one of the more epic video game songs out there, yet we don't have it.

Thanks in advance!

Hmm.... But which one? From which game?!

I'll look around. :p
Updated the first post, and now taking requests! (See the first post for more details)
Gaming / Re: Best video game villains
July 21, 2009, 03:33:00 PM
Masked Man from Mother 3.
[GCN] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance "To Challenge Ashnard" ~~Pyre


Nintendude73: Well done, accepted.

EDIT: One more?

[SNES] Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (Seisen no Keifu) "Disturbance in Agustria" ~~Pyre


Also, one question. Maybe for the Fire Emblem section, you could change the heading of "Fire Emblem" to "Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword," since I've been doing some Japanese-only games, and that's the translated title for it? It may cause confusion, so...

Nintendude73: Disturbance in Agustria is accepted.

I'm not sure what you mean.  Do you mean change the name of the entire Fire Emblem section (with all the games?) or just change the one game section titled "Fire Emblem" to "Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword"?
I hope I'm not too late...

[GBA] Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals (FÅ«in no Tsurugi) -- Dark Priestess ~~Pyre MUS MID

EDIT: One more?

[GBA] Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals (FÅ«in no Tsurugi) -- Shaman in the Dark ~~Pyre MUS MID

Nintendude73: Both accepted, thanks.  Make sure to include quotes around the song titles and you left out the URL on the second one, but I fixed it.

Pyre: Sorry 'bout that. I'll try to remember next time!
Music / Re: What's you favortie key signature?
July 11, 2009, 09:27:08 PM
I like C-minor.

I love flats; dislike sharps. That's an odd thing, most wind players like flats, while strings like sharps.

It's weird.
Politoed. And Crobat.

I had both on my Crystal team.

[GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - "Gentle Prince Medley, including Lyon (Organ arrangement), Lyon, Lost Heart, and The Prince's Despair." --Pyre


From the Desk of Nintendude73:  While this is a very, very nice arrangement, there are a few problems I have with it.  One is that you rely WAY too heavily on the 2nd layer.  Some parts are identical in rhythm on both layers and would look much nicer as a chord, and there are many many places where you could merge the two layers with a little creative rearranging.  Also, measure 125 needs either an 8va, or better yet, move the higher notes into the treble staff.  Like I said, this is a very nice-sounding arrangement, but it needs a little tweaking before it looks as nice as it sounds.  Right now it's a little too messy to accept.

Pyre: I can fix measure 125, and I think there are others like it I'll look at.
As for the layering, even though I've had Allegro for like 2 years, I'm still learning it. I really dislike how the layering works (Leaving all those rests and stuff in there), but I don't know how to layer without using the second layer, if that's what you mean...
I'll look at it and try to clean it up.

Pyre:EDIT!Should be better now. I didn't realize how much I actually used that second layer until you said that. Thanks! I think that'll help any future arrangements/compositions I will do.

Nintendude73:  Much, MUCH better.  I tweaked a couple more things (mostly just moving some 2nd layer rests up/down to get them out of the way of actual notes), but it's now accepted!  Nice job.