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Messages - PrideSage99

Off-Topic / How was your Christmas/Hanukkah/Whatever?
December 25, 2012, 09:25:26 PM
How did everyone's Christmas go? Highlight gift? Etc? Drop it off here ;3
As for my highlight, at least to improve this so-far stressful month, I came to posses something that any sensible man should be proud to own. A Remington 870 Express Magnum 12 gauge shotgun. That significantly improved my mood on this god-awful December so far xD
Anyways, how about yourself, future posters?
Off-Topic / Re: Living catharsis?
December 25, 2012, 09:17:21 PM
Thank you, posters after the first. It means a lot. And.. I am christian, but see, I don't drive. A car on my living is like asking a homeless man to buy india o_o But see what I mean about people attacking me? I can't do -anything- without someone jumping on my back..... But anyway, can someone fill me in on some of this  on the religious side? I've never been to church above the age of 8 (Several years ago, might I add) and I remember NOTHING about it owo   
I heard religion is a wonderful path to enlightenment, but I know hardly anything about the good lord...
-My regards, and I wish you all had a merry Christmas

Edit: My family wouldn't care, honestly, if I showed them the post.
Off-Topic / Living catharsis?
December 25, 2012, 03:18:18 AM
No, I'm not going to die, don't worry.... Hah, as if it would matter anyway, only I would notice myself fall into hell o_o
Anyways... If anyone can offer help, support, whatever, then please do... I'm in desperate need of hope.
Let's start at square one: Ever since I can remember, I've been an outcast. A complete. Social. Outcast. I've lived without really knowing what love feels like. I feel like Axel from KH. It's just like I don't have a heart... Well, obviously I possess the one pulsing blood and adrenaline through my veins at this very moment, buuut.... Well, anyways, wherever I go, I'm just not accepted. I fuck up. A lot. And I'm not even trying to... I try everything to make myself bearable, but even -I- can't stand me. I've been on the brink of death, only once, but, I was honestly wishing I would just die. I mean, all I wanted this year was to finally have drank myself or smoked myself to death. I just want to be able to do things right. Even 100 mg of a heavy anesthetic aren't allowing me to sleep... I'm a grown damn man, and I find myself in tears so much from the loneliness, the lack of being accepted, the social indifference, the sadness of not being able to love... Yet at the same time, that sadness feels like a void... Like I'm not even feeling anything, yet I am... Even the constant anxiety is exactly the same..... It's surreal and difficult to explain... But now all I ever look foreword to is a light up or a good few shots of whiskey... And it tastes like shit :/ Now, I'm not attention seeking here, but all I'm asking for.... is help... advice.... I have no one else to go to at the moment... Please, somebody...
:( -Jay'
My life sucks because I always fuck up. Wherever I go, boom, I fuck something up and everyone hates me. I can't remember things for crap, I just try to hard to get people to like me, and nothing ever works in my favor anymore... I can't even help myself....
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 15, 2012, 08:12:01 PM
I PMed you..
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 15, 2012, 08:11:16 PM
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 15, 2012, 03:50:02 PM
Waddle bro, I googled it multiple times and found nothing... And I'm not the kind of guy to try and contact finale about it. I would highly doubt that's a feature I wouldn't have to somehow pay for... And I'm definitely a lot older than 13, I will say that.
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 15, 2012, 03:38:08 PM
Jesus, I mean thanks, but...
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 15, 2012, 01:50:05 PM
Hah, I get it... But this is a stressful thing to do. I mean, I have til the 20th to start the project.... And I don't know how to start it in the format I need it in for the choir I'm arranging it for. The one I'm in, as a matter of fact.
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 15, 2012, 01:43:16 AM
No, it's fine.... Forget it, I obviously don't deserve the help... But thank you for sticking up for me....
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 14, 2012, 12:50:26 AM
*Shrugs* Again, not going to look back on the past. It keeps me from the future. I do sincerely feel bad for my action, but it was a short burst of anger. A whole 45 seconds worth of reading. When you think about it, that's not nearly as bad as if I started listing people off and calling them all sorts of profanity and slurs, am I right? We're all grown up here. I think we can take at least a small amount of anger. See, these are the little things we should not worry about. We can treat it like ducks treat water; they roll it off their backs. It's not a big deal guy... *sighs again*And I was raised redneck. Rules are, stick with eachother. Keep eachother's backs. Forgive and forget. Live for the moment. Make the best out of a situation. Don't be afraid to use your ingenuity, because if it looks stupid but works, it isn't stupid. And last, apologies should be accepted, not asked for. Again, not trying to be rude in this post, but I couldn't agree more with my daddy when he told me that as young'n. If no one wants to help, it's as easy as taking my business elsewhere or asking someone via PM whom I get to know. At this point it's not me being rude, but anyone whining at me about this... It's rather depressing to see how many only want to restore pride in themselves by another's words :/ It honestly makes me sad... I should, like, write a song about the lack of independence in the modern world today... It's a good idea in hindsight. But anyway, back on topic.
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 12, 2012, 07:30:44 PM
-____- I'm sorry, but no matter how close or distant, I'm not dwelling on the past. I apologize after the heat of the moment, where I see due. It's been a bit too long. And I won't negatively dwell. Also, @Waddle Bro, it's only Reader I don't like xD Other than that, I appreciate Adobe too :3
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 12, 2012, 07:12:37 PM
How in teh heck do you??? I seriously need someone to tutor me on adding these things to sheets so I can begin non-official publishing, like tempo, etc
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 12, 2012, 06:26:02 PM
Crap.... And congrats bro :D
Help! / Re: Making portrait sheets into landscape sheets
December 12, 2012, 06:19:35 PM
I know I do. Again, I'm very b*tchy lately. And yes, you win a cookie for being the first one to figure this simple "puzzle" out. And this is something I'm rearranging myself, yes. Viva La Vida by Coldplay.