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Messages - PotatoPhun

Sorry I always reply here so late :( I tend to get side tracked since this takes time and only check once in awhile lol.

It's a shame that no one was willing to help at the time. I hope you've found some help by now or whatever it is you needed. I wish I could help, but obviously I don't have the programs needed for this sort of thing :( Is there any update about finalizing the sheets?
Good to see you're done transcribing :) Something is better than nothing, though! I'm sure it's fine :) Any progress on notating it?
Excellent! I was just about to do the occasional bump for this post. Glad to see you're still working on it. I look forward to see what you come up with, and thanks again for taking the time to make sheets for this song!
Bump for this request :) I was wondering if there has been any progress made on Greede, the Capital of Freedom.
That's good to hear! Yes, you're right, there is no rush on it. But please, whenever you get it done, can you let me know? I'd love to see your work :)
Sorry, I'm not sure how this works since I'm still new. But I assume since it's already been requested, I'll just bump the request :) If anyone could arrange "Greede, the Capital of Freedom" I would greatly appreciate it. I wanted to play it for a friend, but I'm nowhere near gifted enough to arrange it myself :( So if someone could help me out with this, that'd be great! I would really love to play this song for my friend because this is her favorite song of the game.