
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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Messages - Dervillian

Quote from: ZeldaFan on June 24, 2008, 02:23:28 PMhow do you do that??

It was a one vs one. I only had Cards for changing direction of the game and cards that make the oponent skip their turn. Super awesome round.

my neck hurts
once I won UNO in one turn
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
June 24, 2008, 12:53:26 PM
just found the introduction-threat
good thingy


Hello everybody, I'm Dervillian, or Jan, for thoose who want to call me by my real name

I'm a 17 year old guy from germany (reason for my net very good english)
I like, playing videogames, like most people here- I asume - writing weird storys and playing on my synth
I often make misstakes in my typing so please don't be to confused about the things I write
My favourite Bands are Tito & tarantula, HORSE the Band (they got the best keyboards), Lemon Demon, Electric Six and cex

Hope I wont be kicked out in the next couple of weeks because I'm a bit weird...
hope We'll all have some really nice fun and stuff

have a nice day
I think the new BK will be really much fun. It looks like really much fun to play it, but I#m worried that Rare might mess up the good old Banjo-Kazooie-feeling. I'm optimistic about the gameplay nad hope the charakters will be as much fun as allways. Hope the 20% platform will be 20% we' ll notice.

I must admit in this place that Rare seems to be a lot better than nintendo in case of explainingor promoting new features. While Rare gave us the 80/20 Balance before the game was even out, Nintendo used to hype little features, wich were so little in the actual game. for example: Epona in Twilight princess. seriously how many times did you HAD to use epona in the actual story line? like 4 times - traveling? They said there would be bossbattles on epona. there were just two, if you count the battle with that.. erm.. ogre guy (forgot his name)

have a nice day