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Messages - grandta13

Music / Re: Maenner by Ratti?
January 09, 2015, 08:56:42 PM
Quote from: Olimar12345 on January 09, 2015, 10:13:54 AMI think I may have found it. A German song by the name of "Männer" (which would be "maenner" spelled without the umlaut mark) by Herbert Grönemeyer seems to be awfully similar, at least in the melody, harmony, and bass. Didn't find any link to the "Ratti" part, but that could be the person who made the chirptune version for the C64.

Thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for. But the 'by Ratti' still confuses me; none of the other songs, including Let It Be had any such annotation.
Music / Maenner by Ratti?
January 08, 2015, 12:08:34 AM
There is a program called Music Shop for the Commodore 64, developed by Broderbund, that allows for music composition and playback on a Commodore 64. It comes preloaded with a number of pre-existing compositions (such as Pachelbel's Canon and the Nutcracker Suite). There is one such composition listed that I am not familiar with and cannot fin any information on titled 'Maenner by Ratti' (The title uses all the characters available, so the name of the composer may be cut off). I was wondering if anyone here might have an idea of what it is. I have included a screenshot of the first page and audio recording for reference.

Audio Recording:
Music / Re: VGVirtuoso
September 14, 2014, 04:34:26 AM
Quote from: DekuTrombonist on September 06, 2014, 01:27:51 AMHope this helps.
Thanks. Sorry for the late reply; I've been very busy recently. I'll try to sort and upload them sometime this week.
Music / Re: VGVirtuoso
August 31, 2014, 12:37:04 PM
Quote from: maelstrom. on August 31, 2014, 06:14:44 AMAnd that midi file under identified is from Metroid prime 1
Thanks; I've now categorised it.
Music / Re: VGVirtuoso
August 30, 2014, 10:24:48 PM
Quote from: DekuTrombonist on August 30, 2014, 10:17:07 PMI know I'm a bit late, but wow, I didn't realise VgV was gone. That's a real shame seeing as it was one the few places to get ensemble arrangements. I might still have a couple of arrangements saved from there, in addition to my own.

If you do, that would be great. At this point I've exausted the supply of archived files from the site; I can now only get files from those who have copies.

P.S. All the tracks I recovered were from (*/*); if anyone knows of any other places that the files may have been archived, I would appreciate any information about them.
Music / Re: VGVirtuoso
August 12, 2014, 01:49:41 AM
I've been busy recently and have slacked off on the site. I found some time and have decided to try to revive the effort, but I've hit a snag. I have hit the limit for the number of pages I can have with a free account. While with some restructuring, the site will still be usable, but it won't be as organised as I would like. Does anyone know of a web-hosting service that would be more appropriate for this site? In the mean time I'll just restructure it, but I would like an easily navigable page.

(Since I will probable have already restructured the page by the time this thread is read, I'll provide a brief description of the layout of my page:
Put simply, it's similar to NinSheetMusic, but on a smaller scale; The basic structure of my page is a primary 'Music' page, from which the tracks from all the games can be accessed. Within the Music page are links to pages created for each of the games with enough tracks to warrant one (games with only one or two tracks would be placed with an 'Other' page with a heading to label the game.)
Music / Re: VGVirtuoso
July 16, 2014, 02:37:02 AM
I've created a website from which the files from VGVirtuoso will be accessible. I am currently digging through archives to try and recover as many files as possible. As I find files I will upload them to the site. The site is still under construction, and therefore lacks optimisation or completition, but it is still useable. The site can be accessed at

EDIT: If you have any files from the site and would like to provide them for this mirror, then please message me. If you would rather contact me via email, then please do so at
Music / VGVirtuoso
July 13, 2014, 12:26:00 AM
I was wondering if anyone knew anything about VGVirtuoso. The site seems to have gone down; it was accessible at
It was a site similar to NinSheetMusic, but allowed for all types of instrumental arrangements. It would be a shame if the site has gone down and the submissions have been lost; there were some nice pieces on there.
If the site has gone down permanently, then does anyone know if a mirror exists or, if one doesn't, does anyone have copies of any of the pieces from the site? I have some on one of my hard drives somewhere, and I would gladly retrieve and share the files that I have if they are unavailable elsewhere.

P.S. For anyone wondering what the site was about, below is an archived version, but keep in mind that a number of parts of the site were never archived.
Thanks for the XML, it worked fine.
Although I must ask, (this question is directed towards DekuTrombonist) why not upload your arrangement, since you have it compiled?
I am making a request for the official extended version of Cara Mia Addio from Portal 2. I am unsure whether the extended version was included in the game, but I still think it it worth recognition. The song is the same up to somewhere within the last four measures of the currently uploaded "Cara Mia" arranged by Brassman388. The track can be found at in Volume III of the soundtrack, or the below video:

This topic has been moved from the Request Board
I can download the the files provided now, but I don't have Finale and can't print or create PDFs. Could someone convert the MUS file to MusicXML so that I can use the sheet music with MuseScore?
Quote from: DekuTrombonist on April 11, 2012, 03:13:06 PMThis has been sitting in my thread for ages.

[GBC] Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal
Could you upload that to NinSheetMusic? I am usually on a restricted connection, and MediaFire is blocked under "Web Based Storage."
Completed by DekuTrombonist

I am making a request for the arrangement of the opening theme from Pokemon Gold and Silver. I am referring to the animated opening prior to the title screen. I give my thanks to anyone who will take on this task.
The audio can be found on this YouTube video.
Please not that the song I am referring to ends at the 42 second mark. The part played after that is the Intro and has already been posted.