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Messages - porygons

Help! / Re: NSM Resources
July 23, 2013, 04:45:46 PM
Thanks for helping me with the pdf thing I havent been on here in a while
found a error in the pokemon section theirs two pokemon black and white 2 sub-sections
in there

life sucks ,you suck, I suck, that kid down the street sucks, cloud sucks
life great ,your great I'm great, that kid down the street probably still sucks, clouds are great

what ever you think life is exactly the opposite ,so that is my view of life the universe and everthing
then what is the proper place
Forum Games / Re: The "You are banned" Game!
May 18, 2012, 02:22:19 PM
You are all banned for not haveing primeape as yo avatar
As the title suggests heres the aewsome video
oh yah so freaking amazeing that is aewsome
these are the reason's and anwser's to your question's ........ To help my concert band to play better and for your enjoyment of writing music and the reason for not doing it myself is I can't write it whith my program, also I'm not a very good reorcrestrator ,and plus these were the ones I could'nt write any of these.
,plus I did'nt mean to make any of you mad or anything :( ...

plus I would never just listen to it ....and my band director said if it's in the of the band's skill we would play
Heck yeah somebody better arrange that I command you >:(
For the percussion for the band we have a rachet and tamborine
Music / Re: Who Plays What? [TOO LAZY TO UPDATE :D]
April 28, 2012, 11:00:18 AM
primary: trombone

Secondary : classical guitar
slowpokemons right, dahans
Request / Re: Arrangement Project (ON BREAK)
April 22, 2012, 06:57:50 AM
I'll arrange something just tell what to do
no percussion for the brass band