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Messages - Wiiplayer26

Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
January 17, 2014, 07:01:54 PM
I got a Steam account recently, so I've been playing Super Hexagon (anyone ever try this? It's very addicting!), Super Meat Boy, and Bioshock. I'm hoping to start A Link Between Worlds soon. I've heard a lot of great things about it so I'm looking forward to it!
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
September 29, 2013, 03:59:49 PM
Playing through Metroid Prime (on hard) for the first time in quite a while, so I've forgotten where a lot of the items are. I'm hoping to get 100% of items and scans. As far as I know I didn't skip any of the missable scans - I hope I'm right!
Request / Re: [Wii] Arc Rise Fantasia - "Lascarde Skywalk"
September 26, 2013, 06:02:48 PM
Thanks anyway! :) Let me know if you start on it in the future.
Request / Re: [Wii] Arc Rise Fantasia - "Lascarde Skywalk"
September 26, 2013, 08:47:50 AM
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
July 01, 2013, 08:42:53 PM
I finished Mega Man X5 the other day, so I'm playing X6 now. It's harder than the others, but not too ridiculous (not yet anyway). The hardest thing I've encountered so far is that fire stage by far (I hate that miniboss you have to fight several times...).

It's a pain saving those reploids since I hope to save all of them on this playthrough - especially since if one dies, you can't simply die and start the level again. Instead, you have to reload your old save, which is extremely annoying since I have to restart the whole system - that means loading X6 from the collection, then loading my file. That can be annoying when you have to do that over and over again when one of those virus things kills a reploid just seconds before you can reach them...
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
June 23, 2013, 07:19:24 PM
Nope, not yet. I'm going to go back through the regular stages to get as many items as I can find before I attempt the final stages. Do you have to do them all in one sitting like most of the other Mega Man games? You could save pretty much right before the final boss in X4 - can you do that in X5 as well?
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
June 23, 2013, 04:34:04 PM
I finished Mega Man X4 the other day (the final boss was challenging, but not too bad once I learned the pattern of his attacks). I'm up to the final stages of X5 so I'll hopefully beat it within a day or two. That'll just leave one more X game to finish on the collection! I might play the Wii Tales of Symphonia next.
Great job! Thank you very much!
Thanks to both of you for putting work into this! :)
Gaming / Re: Where People Can Recommend Games
June 10, 2013, 03:36:09 PM
Xenoblade Chronicles is amazing!! I'd also recommend it. The environments are beautiful and massive, and exploring them is an incredible experience. It's easy to spend 100+ hours on one playthrough. Post any questions you have about and I'd be happy to answer them.
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
June 10, 2013, 03:32:27 PM
I'm almost done with Mega Man X3 (a few more items to find before I start the final levels). And now that it's nice out again, I'm playing through Fire Emblem on HHM in the evenings since I can play it outside and enjoy the nice weather.
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
May 26, 2013, 07:55:56 PM
Heh, I actually just beat him! Guess it wasn't as hard as I thought. :P His attacks do a ton of damage, but once I learned his patterns it wasn't too bad (although it was a very close fight - one or two more hits and I would have died). The timing couldn't have been better, as that was going to be my last try for the day, meaning I would've had to go through the previous Sigma stages again tomorrow. Phew! On to X2!

For the Yellow Devil I just kept trying until I memorized his pattern, and then practiced until I got the timing of the jumps down (which can be a pain at first, since if you jump too high or too low, that'll result in you getting hit). Keep trying, you'll get it after enough practice!

Edit: Just watched Dudeman's video, and it turns out I made the fight MUCH harder than it needed to be - I just used the X-Buster!!! I thought I tried all the weapons against Sigma, but I either carelessly skipped over the shield weapon, or I simply missed when I tried it (in turn thinking that it didn't work against Sigma). Oh well, it did make for a pretty intense fight!!
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
May 26, 2013, 06:54:23 PM
I finished Tales of Symphonia, so now I'm playing through the Mega Man X games on the collection. Sigma's final form in MMX is giving me quite a bit of trouble - much more than the Yellow Devil gave me, who I honestly never really found that hard, even without the pause trick (Wily in MM7 gave me much more trouble than any other boss in the original Mega Man games). I can get to Sigma without getting hit many times by the previous two bosses, but the final form just destroys me! Looks like I need more practice - it's been a long time since I've beaten this game!