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Messages - vermilionvermin

I don't know why people are talking about what they think the wolves will do.  Seems like something that's best saved until after the wolves have already picked.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 69: Player Sign-Ups
July 22, 2014, 08:26:43 PM
hey i can chat
I haven't gotten enough claims either and it should be clear I'm not lying this game.
Here's how you should claim to me.  Just have the accounts that are either green or red send me (vermilionvermin) a PM telling me who you are.  If you want to tell me your other account, I'd appreciate it and can promise that I won't lynch either of your accounts.  If you're still really worried about it, I can understand not wanting to claim, but I can't promise that that account doesn't get killed by mistake.
I'm the Green Vigi.  TWG Link is lying, and I believe he's also Sauce.  My other role is Red though I'm not saying which role.  I'm not telling any lies this game.  I have not claimed to any of the people who have claimed thus far because I don't trust the ones who have claimed to be red and I'm not lying to those who claimed orange or blue.  In this log I also discuss why I think it's best to tell the truth.  Odds are one of my roles is on one of your teams, which makes it not beneficial to lynch me.

16:23   Nighthawk2   hey Savvy-Sauce
16:24   Nighthawk2   let's talk about nsm!
16:24   Savvy-Sauce   sure
16:24   Nighthawk2   ok so I was thinking
16:24   Nighthawk2   being honest is actually a pretty good strategy this game
16:24   Nighthawk2   I'm just confirming with davy
16:24   Nighthawk2   but I think I'm actually going to claim.
16:24   Savvy-Sauce   claim what
16:25   Nighthawk2   I'll have my vermverm account claim his full role, and he'll also say the color of the other account.
16:25   Nighthawk2   They're not the same color
16:25   Nighthawk2   Odds are the majority of the game will have at least one role on my teams
16:25   Nighthawk2   actually
16:25   Nighthawk2   it's almost statistically impossible for that not to happen
16:26   Nighthawk2   then I will persecute the 1 or 2 people who don't have a role on my teams
16:26   Savvy-Sauce   well, it's more likely a player won't share a team with you than they will
16:26   Savvy-Sauce   err
16:26   Savvy-Sauce   jk
16:26   Nighthawk2   no way!
16:26   Savvy-Sauce   ignore that!
16:26   Savvy-Sauce   i know i was dumb with my math for a sec
16:26   Savvy-Sauce   Well that sounds fine
16:27   Savvy-Sauce   Why honesty though?
16:27   Savvy-Sauce   Why not do this:
16:27   Nighthawk2   either three players have two players on my team or I have the majority of players overall
16:27   Savvy-Sauce   Have verm claim the full role plus your alt personality's role, except make the colors the opposite of what your colors actually are
16:27   Nighthawk2   There's risk of counterclaims if I'm not honest.
16:27   Savvy-Sauce   Get some claims, THEN flip to honesty
16:27   Savvy-Sauce   Well, you could do what Olimar did
16:27   Savvy-Sauce   And not list your power
16:27   Savvy-Sauce   just say "I'm pink and grey" or w/e without guardian/vigi stuff
16:28   Nighthawk2   If I am honest and counterclaimed, I'll know the person who cc'd me has no roles on my team and I can have them lynched probably
16:28   Nighthawk2   hmm
16:28   Nighthawk2   I'm worried people might not trust me as much if I do that
16:30   Nighthawk2   and there's not much to lose by being honest
16:30   Savvy-Sauce   Well, go right ahead
16:30   Nighthawk2   Worst case scenario this blows up in my face and i lose one of my accounts
16:31   Savvy-Sauce   Well
16:31   Savvy-Sauce   Not that I should be helping you, but aren't there already 3 teams with leaders in the thread?
16:31   Savvy-Sauce   Or do you just not trust any of them?
16:32   Nighthawk2   I don't trust any of them
16:33   Nighthawk2   there's no way in hell fank's telling the truth
16:33   Nighthawk2   you don't just claim a reviver role
16:33   Nighthawk2   because those are the types of people who get lynched
16:33   Savvy-Sauce   You do in a game with a guardian!
16:33   Savvy-Sauce   oh yeah
16:33   Nighthawk2   he's trying to draw out a counterclaim
16:33   Savvy-Sauce   lol lynching is so dumb in games like these
16:33   Savvy-Sauce   I already false claimed/claimed to everyone
16:34   Nighthawk2   I think it makes sense
16:34   Savvy-Sauce   I had to create a file to manage all my lies!!!
16:34   Nighthawk2   I haven't false claimed to anyone because I think I shouldn't do that in a game where I'm trying to be completely honest
16:34   Savvy-Sauce   what are your roles then???
16:34   Savvy-Sauce   if we have a team in common, we can basically dominate everyone
16:35   Nighthawk2   I'm not sure it's all right yet
16:35   Nighthawk2   I'm waiting on davy
16:35   Savvy-Sauce   You want to know if its okay to say what your anon account is?
16:35   Nighthawk2   because I could see how if I were to say "I'm the blue guardian and twg kirby is the red reviver" might be against the spirit of the game
16:35   Nighthawk2   yes
16:36   Nighthawk2   like
16:36   Savvy-Sauce   I think it would be impossible to keep that information secret
16:36   Nighthawk2   in your claims, did you mention your anon account?
16:36   Savvy-Sauce   nope
16:36   Savvy-Sauce   But, I'm using my anon account information to my advantage
16:36   Savvy-Sauce   Like, if I get info on this account, I use it to sound smarter on my other one
16:36   Nighthawk2   I think it'd be dumb if he doesn't allow it but I'll cede to him
16:36   Savvy-Sauce   Eventually someone might ask "how do you know that?" then the cat's outta the bag
16:37   Nighthawk2   so i take it you're link
16:37   Nighthawk2   because thats the only role thats claimed any role
16:37   Savvy-Sauce   no?
16:37   Savvy-Sauce   why would you think I was link?
16:37   Nighthawk2   *that's the only anon account that's claimed anything
16:38   Nighthawk2   and you said you were using it to gain information
16:38   Savvy-Sauce   I didn't mean claiming to the thread, I meant private claims
16:38   Nighthawk2   that's the only way I can think of gaining info
16:38   Nighthawk2   I think you're lying!  TWG Link's activity patterns even coincide with yours
16:38   Savvy-Sauce   okay you got me gosh
16:38   Savvy-Sauce   I think the grammar is also a giveaway!
16:38   Savvy-Sauce   Now tell me your account
16:38   Nighthawk2   No way!
16:39   Savvy-Sauce   jerk!
16:39   Nighthawk2   (also yes the grammar is very similar)
16:39   Savvy-Sauce   I regret not coming up with a fake personality for him
16:39   Savvy-Sauce   But I was too eager to get into the fray, so to speak
16:39   Savvy-Sauce   Plus I wanted to be one of the first claims!
16:39   Nighthawk2   So is he actually the green vigi or no?
16:39   Nighthawk2   probably not
16:40   Savvy-Sauce   Well, if my other account were a guardian...
16:40   Savvy-Sauce   It woudln't be such a strange claim
16:40   Nighthawk2   I don't think it matters what your other account i
16:40   Nighthawk2   s
16:41   Savvy-Sauce   
16:41   Nighthawk2   the green guardians probably guarding you regardless
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 63: Second Chances
January 11, 2014, 06:45:58 PM
But I have to go pick up pizza for dinner  :(
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 63: Second Chances
January 11, 2014, 06:20:47 PM
I wouldn't say things are completely in the clear with Nocturne.  I'll have to ask him a few more questions at some point in the future.  If we're purging inactives, K-NiGhT is probably the least active player.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 63: Second Chances
January 11, 2014, 03:57:12 PM
Kman:  Maybe this is against the rules for you to say, but did bird actually say the color red in the seer PM he sent you or did he just color Mashi's name red?  The reason I'm asking is because I want to know if Nocturne's mystery seer was lying.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 63: Second Chances
January 11, 2014, 03:27:39 PM
Spit:  I'll be hanging out in the chatroom for a little bit if you want to talk about me or Nocturne.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 63: Second Chances
January 11, 2014, 03:26:40 PM
Toby:  The reason I said Mashi was my partner in the role PM was because it was a believable lie.  I had to tell Nocturne I had some partner, or my claim wouldn't be believable.  Nocturne had already shown willingness to believe that Mashi was a wolf in the thread, and since Mashi was dead, Nocturne couldn't ask him.  It also went really well with Mashi's claim of being the assassin.  The reason I claimed to have seered Nocturne green was, again, because it was a believable lie, but only if Nocturne was a wolf.  At the time, I thought Nocturne was claiming to have seered me orange.  If he was the human seer, he'd know I was lying about being a wolf.  If he was the Master Wolf Shaman, he wouldn't.

Other incriminating things that cropped up since my last post:

Quote22:35:33: <nocturne> verm was seered yellow
Somehow, Nocturne is in contact with a seer other than Kman who claimed to have seered me yellow last night.  Now, that's suspicious in the first place because all seers other than the seer Kman is claiming to be are wolves.  He also knew beforehand about the red Mashi seering.  So Nocturne's in contact with at least one wolf.  But it's also suspicious because I think it's pretty obvious that this seer's lying about being a seer at all.  There are no yellow roles in this game.  And I'm pretty sure any actual seering result would probably say the word orange instead of yellow, since most seerings read something like.

Quote from: fake seeringVerm is orange

and less importantly:

QuoteAs soon as he realized that I wasn't on his side
A wolf can be a lot more confident than a human that a player isn't on their side.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 63: Second Chances
January 11, 2014, 12:44:40 PM
Might as well change my revive vote to greg now that Mashi is red
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 63: Second Chances
January 11, 2014, 01:18:39 AM
The reason I'm sure that he wasn't going for a reaction test is because I asked him when it was all over.  He said that one post (this one) made him think I might be the wolf assassin.  The reason I think it's suspicious of him to ask me about that role in particular is because I think he's lying about his reasons.  I think it's much more likely that you're right and he did seer me orange, I'm the millwright, and he's the Master Wolf Shaman.  That makes a lot more sense than he saw a post on Night 1 that seemed suspicious, waited until Day 1, and decided to ask me if I was a specific wolf role because of it.

Another reason I'm voting for Nocturne/Dude is because Dude's reaction to the whole thing makes no sense if he's a human.  Sure, Dude might have thought I was a wolf.  That doesn't justify ruining the reaction test, which is what he was doing by telling Nocturne I'd sent the PM to him as well.

I'm not sure what argument you've convinced yourself of, but it'd be helpful if you explained.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 63: Second Chances
January 10, 2014, 10:35:39 PM
Now that I know TST didn't have time to set up the alliance, I feel more comfortable voting for NocturneofShadow though this vote could easily switch to Dude.
I got the following PM from NocturneOfShadow earlier today:
QuoteYou're the Traitor-Shaman :O
I assumed Nocturne claimed to have seered me orange and was claiming wolf to me.  Since I am a human, I assumed that meant I was the millwright.  So I PM'd him the following.
QuoteHey there, Nocturne!  I guess you've found us then (and you're the shaman).  I am the Traitor-Shaman, and I actually seered you green last night.  At least I can be sure you're not actually the human seer.  Mashi was the assassin (lol he was actually serious about that) so I'm going to push for him to be revived today.  I think I can make a fairly reasonable argument for his revival.  Who's the Corpse Mangler?  I don't want to accidentally lynch a wolf today.

I BCC'd Dude on the PM.  This was so that some other player knew that I was lying about what I had said in the PM.  I thought it was a real possibility that Nocturne was a human and just performing a reaction test, so I sent my claim to Dude in the hopes that he'd be my witness that I was lying if I needed it.  I would've picked a dead player, but I asked Bird about that and he said that was a no-no.

Then Dude and Nocturne voted for me.  After talking to Nocturne, I gathered that this was because I had "claimed wolf to him".

I then received the following PM from NocturneOfShadow.
QuoteI will say a few things.  Dude says you sent this pm to him too.  If you did one of us will have to die.  PM back if you need to know more.
I believe that Nocturne and Dude are wolf partners.  There's no reason for Dude to ruin my test unless he fears the result.  And there's no reason for Nocturne to PM me out of the blue asking if I'm the traitor-assassin in particular.  He said in the chat that there was one post of mine during Night 1 that made him suspicious, but that shouldn't make him think that I'm any particular wolf role.  This leads me to believe that I am the millwright and was seered orange by NocturneOfShadow, the Master Wolf Shaman.