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Messages - zarkonis

Thanks Fallen :)
Erm, it needs to be one bar later :P

If you could do that many thanks to you :)

[PS1] Final Fantasy VIII - Only a Plank Between One and Perdition - Accepted :)

Mid: I don't know how to make a Midi with Notepad =\

Working on:

[N64] Starfox 64 - Area 6

Could someone switch the last part of "Only a Plank Between One and Perdition" into 3/4 time? I can't do it with Notepad. Thanks for your help.

X3rd0ra5, a couple of small things, your "First Town" piece should be renamed "Village of Origin", which is the proper title. I should add that alot of the 8th notes in the song need to be Stacatto.

I'll add them in if you'd like, but it's your call.