
Rest in pepperoni, Mario Mario, 1981 - 2021
He will be missed by all, except for me! WARIO, NUMBER ONE!

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Messages - 60FourMaster

Request / Re: [C64] Monty on the Run
November 29, 2012, 06:41:35 PM
Well, clearly it can't produce that kind of oscillating-alien-type sound. It's not that part that I'm concerned about, because you could replace that with a double-octave glissando and it'd do the job. Or improvise that bit. It's more the melody and bass (which is the entirety of the song :P) that I'm wondering how you'd do.
Request / [PC] Monty on the Run - "Main Theme"
November 29, 2012, 06:09:27 PM
Why can't I find a piano sheets for this song anywhere? It's a travesty; such an amazing piece of music on the Commodore 64, and I can't find a single place on the internet with sheets for it. So, I already know this isn't Nintendo music, I'm perfectly aware and I know this could be pulled at any minute, but I have no where else to turn. It's so complex that I can't do it myself, and I've seen videos of people playing the song on YouTube, but nothing that includes sheets.

Here's the piece.

If there is a place that already has the sheets, I'd love to see it. For anyone else, it's a good challenge I'd say.
Mmmmm... Delicious. :D If we do perform it, I'll be sure to post a video and link you all to it.
Quote from: Tangy on January 18, 2012, 08:12:29 PMLOL sorry, I think I mentioned this, but that's the unedited version. The tubas play a whole note or something similarly tuba-y in the final version... which I forgot to post, my bad! I will add it tomorrow, since I did bring it with me on a usb...

Actually, looking at this now, I'm pretty sure nearly the entire tuba part was placed down an octave after editing.

Thanks though. :)
Oh thank goodness. I was seriously worried about that. xD So I'll wait until tomorrow to show my director then. ^^
Measure 50 = Holy crapping crapnuggets! How do you expect tubas to go that high? Tubas don't play in that octave... That's ridiculously high. Good thing other parts are assigned to it. I'm gonna run this one by my band director to see if we can play it next year. Sounds great apart from a couple of awkard-ish transitions.
Feedback / Mega Man 9 Arrangement Help
November 24, 2011, 09:02:09 PM
So I want to do a big band arrangement of Mega Man 9's soundtrack. I just have no clue of how to go about it though. What I mean is, I don't know -how- I should arrange it. I don't know if I should do it like a standard arrangement where each song is it's own and it flows from one to the next, or if I should mix some together (like using elements of two songs in one section) or if I should go by movements. Gah, starting is always the hardest part. So I'd like some advice from the pros here.

I want to use these songs:
-Splash Blue
-Thunder Tornado
-Concrete Jungle
-Magma Burning
-Overdrive Scramble
-Flash in The Dark
-We're The Robots
-Wily Machine
-Staff Roll

So... what do NSM?