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Messages - NickTheBassoonist

Thanks for the feedback, everyone =D
So, when arranging for this site, you're gonna want to incorporate everything you can into a solo piano part, using both bass and treble clefs, yes?
What I mean is, There is sometimes a main part and a rhythm part, using the same instrument. In my case, piano. What I'm asking is, if there are two important parts, do I ignore the lesser of the two? The files of sheet music I found on the site are sometimes just parts of a full song. Do I pick out the 'lead' sounding part and use that?
There's usually a main treble and main bass for piano- but if there's more than those two voices, what do I do with them? Just ignore them?
The range on a bassoon really depends on the bassoonist. An average high school bassonist might get two and a half octaves from low Bb to maybe an F like, 20 notes away. a good bassoonist can get 3 octaves and maybe more. You can do some crazy stuff with a bassoon. Like make a tromboon.

Music / Re: I need challenging piano pices to play.
June 24, 2008, 08:24:02 PM
Through the Fire and Flames for piano.

No, it's fine, I'm actually really glad this is happening, when I think I'm done I can compare it to an actual copy of someone who has experience. I'm not really partial to Kingdom Hearts anyway, I don't mind at all. Do you have AIM so I can contact you later?
Crap, I'm gonna have to re-do the whole thing... unless I Naturalize everything then change the Key Sig...

How long have you been Bassooning?
Ok, I'm about halfway done with the file Brawler gave me to work with, "Pre-Battle", and I was wondering, can I get some people's AIM who are willing to help me out with this? Just basically look at the file and tell me what needs to be corrected and anything else you might be willing to contribute. Anything's greatly appreciated. =D
I lied- I have more questions- Brawler4Ever said that you find a song and put it in MIDI format... is there a program that puts mp3s to MIDI format, or do you do that by hand?

EDIT: Ha, I read that wrong- that's what arranging is. I always thought 'arranging' was the official word for 'remixing'. I suppose there's no program to do that, is there? That would make arranging too easy. =)
Wow, I didn't expect so much notice so soon! Thanks! I don't have anymore questions for now- you guys gave me more than enough information to help me get started, plus some tracks to work on.

Actually, here's a question- when I want to contribute, is there omewhere here I go to make sure two people aren't going to contribute the same song?
Ah yea, That's what I have- Finale Notepad 2008. My bad.
I was hoping some of you here can give me some tips or something to get started with composing/arranging. Like, what I should work on first...

I downloaded Finale, or the demo of '08, I'm not sure if I need anything else... Any input would be greatly appreciated!