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Messages - SephyrothX

I never had the patience for learning the easier songs, maybe that's the reason why I always turn frustrated with the piano.
Shadoninja, I've been searching for this sheet forever, you're giving me a real present! I'll wait for your reply and, when it's ready, I promise I'll make a super stupid video just for thanking you and upload in youtube (that is how much I would love to play this music!)

Waiting!!!  :D :D :D
'Course I'm not implying that you'll stay awaken 'till sunrise to make it, but i still find pretty impressive your skill to make it in 3-6 hours. Made my day, for sure  :).
I started my guitar in this masterpiece:

It helped me a lot in the change of chords.

As for keyboard, i started with this one:

Used to play with some friends, but they all got married and things will never be the same, bla bla bla.
How about you?
Quote from: Shadoninja on June 26, 2012, 08:15:09 PMMaybe 3-6 hours total.
You're fu@#% kidding me...  :o

I'll pray for your soul to be blessed this night, for sure.

Help! / Re: Music for keyboard.
June 26, 2012, 08:18:00 PM
Shadoninja, yup, that trick will do it, but for some songs I think it gets pretty artificial, it doesn't sounds as good as the original.
Quote from: Shadoninja on June 26, 2012, 08:06:13 PMI'll take it.

 :o :o :o :o :o
My hero!!!

Not trying to push you or anything, but how long it takes to make a arrangement for this kind of music?
Help! / Re: Music for keyboard.
June 26, 2012, 08:07:37 PM
Quote from: Bespinben on June 26, 2012, 06:32:31 PMPokemon RBY songs are generally very closely harmonized (with the exception of Lavender Town :P). Maybe try the Elite Four theme?

Whoa, that one is pretty pleasant!  :) I thanks for the tip! I'm open for even more sugestions!  ;D
Of course! The original music is this one:

But, if you think the quality is bizarrely bad, someone made a version more apealling to the ears:

Same song, different versions.

Completed and on site
This song is for me one of the reasons why castlevania is, cleary, the video game franchise with the best atmosferic music. Unfortunatly, I never saw a piano sheet for "Successor of Fate", and that's lame. Is there any chance to see a piano sheet of it?
Help! / Music for keyboard.
June 26, 2012, 05:54:19 PM
Hello my friends, I'm back to my keyboard after almost 3 year playing only guitar and electric guitar. At first I felt a little rusty, but it seems I can still handle the instrument!  Well, my problem is that my keyboard only have 5 octaves, and the sheets here are for piano, way more keys than I have. So, I need help finding good music sheets for my needs until i get enough money to buy a better keyboard (perhaps a eletric piano  ::)).

"I need to get the rusty out of my hands and play the piano o.o... shame on me..."