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Messages - Nekrotzar

Here's some recent arrangements i haven't been able to work as much as I would have liked on my current projects due to auditions, finals and other stuff like that. I'm playing it safe and uploading the shorter versions of these; i'm not really sure if this site is more geared towards arrangements that are true to the originals or transcriptions that develop off of the structure and ideas of the originals. More will come once I get around to them, and future mus files will be less cluttered than the first one.

The Adventures of Batman and Robin

Amused to Death:

Speeding Through Darkness:
have the last word
and in the end if i tried that hard and missed an opportunity dangling in front of my face because of one person, who, despite evidence pointing in the direction of an A or B as a final grade, fails me, i would say she is at fault and my work had amount to nothing. This isn't a break up. This isn't fight with a friend. This is a loss of professional development that will most likely affect my future. It's a powerful feeling.
heh quick to dismiss kefka. i sent in the appeals, attempted to contact the english professor multiple times. talked to the english department and they didn't do anything. i even secured a place in a master class being taught by one of the judges of the auditions to put in a good word so don't think i didn't try. and it's county college of morris. no one knows what they're doing there i went back there this semester and they lost all the files on me and i had to reapply. it doesn't make sense.
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on October 28, 2011, 10:04:21 PMWhen all those parents and teachers and advisers say you can't screw off senior year, they actually are right :)
i wasn't that's the point
i was looking for that picture of me screaming with the word BRAN! on it but i couldn't find it
Creativity Corner / Nekrotzar plays musics
October 28, 2011, 09:31:32 PM
Since this is also apparently a thing that has to do with forums dedicated to sheet music to games produced by the fine organization of Nintendo, here's some more stuff. mind you, these aren't recent and aren't up to my current standards. Rachmaninoff's Valse for two pianos Me losing rhythm on Kapustin's 5th concert etude
Quote from: DrP on October 28, 2011, 08:41:31 PMI'm going to see Wagner's Siegfried next weekend... the best 6 hours ever... hahahaha.
LUCKY! i'll be retaking my SATs with a bunch of highschoolers -_-
Tell that to Stockhausen. Yeah i'm keeping it shorter. it's not like a met opera where they might as well sit through it to get their money's worth. plus i'm writing for general audiences
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
October 28, 2011, 08:40:17 PM
Name: Scooter the Wise
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Location: Dirty Jersey
Languages: Music
Musical stuff: studied piano for about 12 years. writing for about 7, performing for 6, publishing for 5. I wont brag.
Favorite piece of music (non-video game): Gyorgy Ligeti's Le Grande Macabre. If you could tell that by my username, I love you
Favorite game music: Castlevania music is pretty fresh
Favorite video game: Metal Slug 3
Favorite color: Black
Favorite food: Candy
Favorite dessert: Highly caffeinated coffee; cake that tastes like coffee
Favorite school subject: Gym
Favorite thing to do: just.... chill......
for an opera my old production company i used to work for agreed to produce once completed. at least i got some things going for me heh. i decided i was going to write one after studying Ligeti's Le Grand Macabre
i don't know where to fucking start  :) but 3 major music conservatories rescinded my conditional acceptance into their music programs because my english professor failed everyone in the class except one person. hint: it was not me. i'm stuck going to a county college now and i'm not even wasting my time with their music program because of legal issues with one of the professors. i worked my fucking ass off last year and practiced and composed until my hands were in bandages and i still kept working i didn't sleep i didn't eat and i took freezing cold showers. now that i have to reapply to all these schools that reputedly barely ever accept transfer students, i just feel like i'm fucked for life just because one fat ass professor needs to get her ass laid. i never wanted to go through losing my mind like that again, and here I am feeling the same fucking anxiety and distress i did last year at every single task. i would drop out and pursue a life dedicated to personal development if my mom weren't suicidal. ugh... where would i be without boges and buds...
I dont want to give my the psychologist the satisfaction of knowing i'm depressed because that would only fulfill the stereotype that this generation is largely introverted and angst driven. I, not wanting to fit any societal mold to achieve individuality, strive to not conform to this view point, but in turn are conforming by being a nonconformist.

I'm starting to think and talk more like a hipster as time goes on. my writings are starting to sound like the things I would mock if I were a year younger. Is this an understanding developed through maturation, or a delusion brought upon myself by this month's despair. Seriously. this month sucked ass. i'll get outside feedback regarding my libretto tomorrow and see if i'm not becoming a lunatic myself.

i like this thread. putting my thoughts into words makes me feel less screwed up
First day on this site, i have no completed Nintendo related transcriptions in my immediate portfolio. So here's some other stuff. If you only enjoy music of strict consonance, this topic is not for you. Grand Dance No. 1 for two pianos "Trance Macabre"

Written last October. I won't go into explaination of technique and underlying message, I will only say this piece is possible play and reflects an extreme side of my rather polar compositional voice: intense and virtuosic. I thank SergeofArniVillage for this mp3. Sheet music available upon request, just don't hurt yourself. Acid Bump (Transcription)

Composed about 3-4 years ago. By the time I made this, I had only been transcribing preexisting pieces of music, usually keeping the structures and tone of the original. Acid Bump, a transcription of Christopher Rouse's "Bump", stands as my transition from transcribing to composing. As for the actual piece, it was written to emulate an acid trip (refer to title) while changing between radio stations during a car ride. FYI: I am clean (more or less)

more in the future, but for now, that is all