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Messages - LeFromage

Help! / Re: Submission Help
June 02, 2008, 01:30:38 PM
Thank you very much, it helped clear up a lot of issues!  :)
Help! / Submission Help
May 31, 2008, 04:17:01 AM
Hello everyone! I'm new at NinSheetMusic, so please forgive me if I make any errors or something.

I have read the rules and things for submission, including the "What should your sheet look like" topic and the "How to submit" topic, but I've still got a few questions, and I hope they could be answered.

1. How do you know when your sheet gets accepted? Do you have to check the database regularly to see if it's there, or does somebody PM you, or does somebody reply on your topic, or what?

2. I've noticed that every single sheet on the database has a MIDI to it. In order to submit, I'm pretty sure it doesn't need a MIDI, but would it be helpful or better if you put a MIDI there with your music?

3. In the "How to submit" topic, in its example post, it had a section called "submission". I assume this is where the one piece that you are submitting goes in. However, the remainder of a post is under the heading "Queue". I'm not exactly sure what that is (I looked up its definition, but still a bit confused). On my topic for submissions, I have various headings such as "Completed Arrangements, but not Submitted Yet", "Accepted Arrangements", and "Works in Progress". Would that be good, or should I mush it all into "Queue"?

4. In the "How to submit" topic, it talks about how you should place the information on your post. It says, [Console] Game - "Song" - Arranger. I noticed that it said Arranger. At first, I thought that this was an unneeded piece of information, as if you just look at whoever made that topic, it was obviously he/she who arranged it. But then, what if you were posting an arrangement made by somebody else? So here is my question: If a friend of yours who is not a member of NinSheetMusic makes a piece of sheet music and wants you to submit it, can you submit it under his/her name on your topic? Or would you need a separate topic, or would it be against the rules?

That's all the questions I have as of now. Please help me with my queries!
Help! / Re: arranger
May 31, 2008, 04:05:13 AM
Just in case this may be needed, you can also edit text you have already written.

1. Click the text tool (the A that ganondorf showed you). A white square should appear over all of your text boxes.

3. Double click on the white square of the text box you want to edit.

4. Edit away.
Quote from: urmom2 on May 30, 2008, 04:29:33 PMwell doesn't mean that just because we ll be old that we can't play the new games. lol imagine owning one of your grandkids at one of their games  ;D

Good point! That WOULD be hilarious lol... imagine that you're the grandkid, and your 120 year old grandparent comes over and plays the video game with you, and beats you at it really bad...


(hmm... I think we need to get another smiley specifically for a HILARIOUS moment...)
The misc sounds file for Twilight Princess was great!

I know it's not finished yet, but I would just like to point out that I'm pretty sure (if I'm wrong, please correct me!) that the treasure chest song starts out much faster, and accelerando's into the last part.

It's going to sound AWESOME when finished! :)
And just think... when we are all grandparents, and we are still amazed at all of this stuff that's happening right now, we would probably die of shock from all of the technological advances made that our grandkids get to play on.
Gaming / Re: What Game Systems do you have?
May 30, 2008, 04:33:56 AM
My collection is quite pitiful:

A non-working origional GameBoy (grey)


A Super GameBoy cartridge adapater (does that count?)

A Wii

I find it quite interesting how I have all these old consoles from the 1990's, and then all of the sudden there's a Wii there  ;D
My favorites are Luigi, Kirby, and Toon Link.

Although I can't say I'm that good at all. My best opponents are neighbors, who aren't that good either.

I really don't use Toon Link that much now, so I mostly use Luigi and Kirby.

I really like Luigi's Super Up+B attack! Bring them up to considerable damage, and then WHAM!!!

Not that it'll work so easily on a good player.
Hello everyone! This is my first post on NinSheetMusic, so please forgive me if I break some few general formatting rules or followings.

Anyways, I would like to use this post to submit and share my arrangements. I have never arranged before, so PLEASE give criticism! I don't care if it's something like, "The first eight note on measure 23 should be lowered one half step". I just want to improve, but I need the help of others' criticism and comments to help me.

Arrangement Up For Submission

Completed Arrangements, but Not Submitted Yet

Accepted Arrangements

[SNES] Kirby Super Star - "Cavios" - LeFromage (Thank you for accepting my first arrangement! And thank you to HugoMeister for fixing the noteheads!)

Works in Progress

[SNES] Kirby Super Star - "Aqualiss" - LeFromage (no link as of yet)