
RIP Finale 1988-2024

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Messages - kayybee


I found the file links here.

mus file and pdf file.
Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum (that's the name of the song and the game, it's a medley) (it should be called something else, btw) has a missing pdf file.

mid file is still here.

pdf is missing though
Help! / Re: Two or One on a sheet?
October 04, 2011, 08:17:41 PM
Okay then. I guess it seemed kinda silly to me to have a one line song. :P But now that I think about it, it makes more sense.
Okay, I have a lot of questions (since I'm new to this arranging thing, sorry).

But instead of making tons of threads (there'll be a lot) I'm just going to put it on one thread.

So, here are my questions. I'll keep them with the answers for references.

Should I put two related songs on one or two sheets? They're only a line long each.
Put them on two separate sheets, unless it's a medley. (MaestroUGC)
How do I put tempo markings on my sheet in Finale Notepad?
How about 8va?
Feedback / Re: This is an excellent website!
October 04, 2011, 06:28:17 PM
Oops. I meant "I couldn't find it before you showed me".

Sorry for the confusion :)
Feedback / Re: This is an excellent website!
October 04, 2011, 04:58:59 PM
Thanks so much WiiMan96!

I couldn't find it. :P I'm bad at finding things
Feedback / Re: This is an excellent website!
October 03, 2011, 08:39:59 PM
So I can use anything that can convert to a musicXML file, and then just ask someone to convert it into a .mus file? Okay :)

And I'm just wondering, where would I get finale notepad 2008?
Feedback / Re: This is an excellent website!
October 03, 2011, 07:27:54 PM
Quote from: MaestroUGC on October 03, 2011, 05:15:44 PMThis site uses Finale, none of which any of the programs in the family are free. The cheapest of these is Finale Notepad, which is about $15.
:/ Is there any other program I can use?

I currently use Musescore.
Should I get Finale?
Feedback / Re: This is an excellent website!
October 03, 2011, 04:30:50 PM
I was just wondering, which program you recommend I use...

I have a Mac Snow Leopard, 10.6.8.
Feedback / Re: This is an excellent website!
October 02, 2011, 10:35:56 PM
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone!

I'll probably get started arranging tomorrow!
Feedback / This is an excellent website!
October 02, 2011, 09:57:55 PM
I have been using NSM for quite some time now, as I have found it to have the largest database of video game music arrangements. It's a great website, and I haven't found a better one. I recently just found the NSM forums, so... That's why I'm now posting my first post.

I can arrange some music (and I'm actually only interested in Mario and Pokémon) but my musical hearing skills aren't to great, so my arrangements may be a little (or lot) off.

But it seems like a great community here on an excellent website!