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Messages - sonic130

Hi! :)

Would anyone like to be really nice and turn this arrangement into piano sheet for me please? It's not very long, but is probably the best arrangement out there for this song.

It starts at 0:21.
Please let me know if anyone is going to transcribe this, thanks! :)

This topic has been moved from the Request Board
haha the music in this game is amazing is it not? I love it :D
And thanks! That's fine, I'm busy with exams anyway so I'll just learn it when you're finished it.
Thanks again ^__^
Hi ALPRAS! :D Have you thought about doing the ending credits for super mario galaxy 2 yet? I think it would sound awesome on piano XD
Anyway, just an idea I'd run your way to see if you're interest. Please let me know if yuo decide to do it, thanks ^__^

This one:
Request / [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy 2 - "Credits"
October 31, 2010, 08:08:29 AM
Hey everyone! I have a request to anyone who's willing to take it :D
I'd like the credits theme from super mario galaxy 2 for piano.


youtube (someone's arrangement):

and if you need anything else to get you going just let me know and I'll update the thread.

Thanks in advance! It's such a nice theme ^__^
Request / Re: Paper Mario 64 Request
July 26, 2010, 02:50:28 PM
That would actually work really well. You think you could talk with some other arrangers and work something out? :)
It's a beastly long song, but so catchy :D haha
Request / [N64] Paper Mario - Multiple Songs
July 17, 2010, 08:21:23 PM
"Victory Road" -- Completed by Bloop

Hello ^__^ Can someone try making the credits for paper mario 64 please? I just beat the game again tonight and that theme is sooooo catchy. Its made up of all the major songs in the game and ugh, I love it :D haha
Is anyone good at arranging by ear? I tried but failed =(
But yeah, if anyone's up to trying it that would be great. I know it's long, but even if you start it and give up halfway through or something it'll still be great. I'll just make up an improvised ending or something XD
Anyway, here's the song if anyone wants to give it a shot:

Thank you ^__^

Victory Parade
The Celebration Continues
Thanks HugoMeister! I'll try and see what I can do to come up with a piano version of it (but I don't have finale notepad so I can't make piano sheets so I'll just kinda improvise off of it) XD
and Alpras, that would be great. All your arrangements are awesome so I'm sure this one will be great too. Thank yooouuu ^__^
Completed and on site
Hello, I was wondering if anyone would like to do the World S map (world 7).
Go here to listen to it:

I like it =) haha Would anyone be interested in doing this? ^__^
Quote from: dahans on June 19, 2010, 09:56:18 AMI have already done it!

I saw it, thank you ^__^
Completed and on site

This song is sooooo catchy when heard on piano! If someone could put these into sheets I would be beyond happy.

here's the link to the actual song:


here's the link to the piano arrangement:

So yeah, would anyone be able to make piano sheet music for this? It's soooo catchy and I love it aha.
A million thanks goes out to whoever takes on this request ^__^
Yeah, I was wondering if someone could make sheets for that song. I find it very nice to the ears and would love to play it. So if anyone's willing to attempt to make sheets that would be awesome. Here's a couple links to help:


youtube (someone playing it on piano):


Thanks in advance to anyone who takes this request ^__^
Quote from: universe-X on January 09, 2010, 09:32:31 PMWell I hope simplicity isn't a factor against accuracy, but I'll see if I can try Western Land.  :)

No, as long as we can hear the melody and the melody and bass sound fine together then there's no problem. So thank you for giving that one a try, it's highly appreciated ^__^
Request / [N64] Mario Party Series
January 09, 2010, 09:02:46 PM
Hello everyone =)  I'd like to request a couple songs. They are not hard at all to put into sheet music so I was wondering if someone could make a couple for me. I would do it myself but my trial expired and it won't let me redownload it =(  So anyway, here are the requests:

Mario Party
full of danger
ducking and dodging
the wide, wide ocean

Mario Party 2
know what I mean?
mini game explanation "let the games begin"
move to the music "rhythm shakers"
the adventure begins
western land (try to get the melody to shine as much as possible please cause a lot's going on there)

and that's about it. You can find all the midis here:

Oh, and try to make them as simple as possible if a lot is going on in them (like western land) for example. Because if they're simple, people can always just add to them and make it to a difficulty they prefer. So yeah, if anyone could do any of these requests (I'm not picky) that would be a real help because I'm trying make a medley of all the songs from both the mario party 1 and 2 games. Thanks in advance to whoever takes my request ^__^
Hey, I know this isn't from a video video game but it's just such a nice song. Especially this version:

So, I was wondering if anyone could transcribe this into piano and guitar sheets (both separate if possible. One for piano and another for guitar). But if you can only do piano that's fine too. I'd really like to learn this and I'm sure many others would too. So thanks goes out to whoever takes this request for me ^__^