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Messages - BeautyPianist

Quote from: SWMadness on June 30, 2011, 12:08:23 PMOh, can't believe nobody's responded to this yet.

I love this song too, but it might take a bit to get a playable version arranged. There's a lot of stuff going on in it, and simplifying the layers might take some work. We can try though. :D

Oh, okay! Thanks a lot! :)
Even if you get just the main melody and base it'll be fine, then I could just improvise off of it :D
Or if you guys like making fully completed sheets, then waiting's perfectly fine too. I'm a prettyyy patient girl XD
Thanks again! ^_^
Completed by Sebastian
Hi everyone, how are you all doing? I'm new here and I just want to say that I really like the layout of the site! It's really easy to browse through the forums for sheet music that's not on the site yet. The help topics were very informative too, so congrats to the moderators for their great work. I've been using this site for a long time and loved all of the arrangements I've played by you guys. So congrats goes out to all of the arrangers too!

Sorry for the long intro. Anywayyyy, I was wondering if anyone could arrange some piano sheets for this song:

Everytime I play paper mario the thousand year door I love hearing this song and would love to see how it would sound on piano. So if anyone would like to give this one a shot please let me know, thanks! ^.^