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Messages - jammey

Feedback / new arrangements
April 10, 2011, 03:47:57 AM
So first of all, I've been coming to this site for about 2 or so years, and I am very thankful for all the amazing user-uploaded sheets, and i enjoy playing very many of them!! in case you were wondering,

I'm really not one to complain... and like... although i'm not really intending for this to be a complain but i guess it can be one.
so this user's "virtuoso" pieces... i've seen him "remix" the original mario song, the zelda theme, and the lost woods theme... and a few more i think. i can play these "non-virtuoso" pieces that were submitted to this site... but i was just wondering if anyone can actually play the virtuoso ones. i mean, it seems like in order to be talented enough to actually be able to play the virtuoso songs, you would have to be a concert player, and past the "video game" stage of music playing.

don't get me wrong, i love the sound of these pieces... but... it just seems like a HUGE kick in the pants when you can play the song, and then out of nowhere comes another version of the song that only adds hundreds of more notes, just so that the song is harder, and sounds "better". i put better in quotes because sometimes i think it makes the song just sound crowded, and not at all like it does originally. am i the only one thinking this? just makes me feel so amateur because i'm unable to play an insanely tough version of the song. you don't need 3-fingered chords for every quarter-note! BLAH