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Messages - okami

Off-Topic / Re: DANG IT!
May 14, 2008, 05:24:33 PM
Have you tried resetting it?  Just hold down the menu button and then the select button.  You should see that apple thing, then try plugging it in again.
Also check to see if your USB port is USB 2.0...not 1.1 or any other random number..
Or if you have windows vista there might be a new update so check to see if your itunes is current.

And if all else fails, you could resort to the itunes help page. 
Nintendo / Re: Okami!
May 08, 2008, 05:00:14 PM
Love Okami! (hence my name ;D) I rented it on the ps2 and never gave it back until it came out on the wii  :)

The graphics are stunning and the story is well worth the forty bucks.  Although Wii's version of fighting is a bit more difficult, once you master the timing (which only took me about 2 battles) its as simple as the ps2 version.  And when the wii remote is actin like a painintheass it wont ruin you cuz the enemies are easy and okami has a pretty good lifespan.  And drawing a straight long can be frustrating fortunately i just destroy everyone with cherry bombs.  Anyways, just seeing the beauty come alive again makes it all worth it.

I've always wondered though if you can get those fangs when its loading on the wii version like you could on the playstation 2.  I've been trying like hell pressing random buttons to get those fangs so either my aiming is completely off or they just didn't put it in the game  :( anyone know what I'm talking about?
Art / SSBB
May 05, 2008, 04:58:40 PM
Super Smash Bros Brawl kicks ass!

Gotta bit lazy on the letters when I drew it, so i redid the 'bros' and I darkened it up a bit on paint shop. 
Feedback welcome :) compliments desired ;D