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Messages - Greg

No worries, you got it! (Although I wish I knew how the heck the copyright got misaligned...)
Sure, updated the sheet. (I will say that the difference in the m18 LH rhythm is intentional: the original also differs there.)

Thanks again for all the feedback, sheet's way better than when I originally submitted it.
I spent some time staring at both measure distributions and ended up switching to Static's.
Seems good to me. I've updated with MSF's suggested measure distribution.
Should be taken care of. I do prefer m.19-20 as is, to mirror the previous iteration of the same pattern (and on balance I think it's easier to read both iterations in treble clef than in bass clef).
So I may have exported the PDF on A4 instead of letter paper size, whoops. Fixed!
Thanks, took care of all that stuff. (I opted to instead put m7-10 into a single line to preserve the phrasing in m23-26: I think it looks fine (definitely less cramped then before), but then I also thought it looked fine before so maybe I'm wrong lmao)
Everything should be taken care of. I realized I was using a really old version of the NSM template (hence the margin issues) so I just copied everything to the newest template and rearranged the measures accordingly.
Files have been updated. Some notes:
  • LH in beat 4 of m.36 was straight-up wrong, should be fixed.
  • I opted not to add grace notes in m9/m45/m47: couldn't really get anything that didn't sound awkward.
  • Personally I prefer m21-22 LH as currently written, since the original sort of does the same thing.
  • m40 RH I opted to only double the top note on the last note in the measure.
Thanks as always for the feedback.
Thanks for the feedback, you really pinpointed some vague misgivings I had about this sheet.

With respect to the bigger items:
  • Added stuff to most of these: omitted octaves in 15-16 and 19-20 due to changes in the LH which make it less overpowering. Not entirely happy with 35-36 and would appreciate suggestions there.
  • Yeah, I forgot to change this to something playable. Should be good now.
  • I tried some stuff here to add notes matching with drumbeats (mostly). Considering removing the bottom note of the LH chords now (which overlap with the 8th note pattern). I'm also not entirely sure how playable it is: it seems possible to me, but I don't have access to a piano to really try it at the moment.
  • I replaced this with something matching the drumbeat, since the LH more or less consists of the 16th note line with long held chords, which isn't much to work with. I think it sounds better now personally.
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Vellumental BattleMUSXMUSPDF

Came out better than expected, honestly, I was anticipating more problems fitting this into one piano.
Piano Arrangements / Re: 607's Arrangements
November 08, 2020, 03:04:36 AM
Quote from: 607 on November 08, 2020, 12:18:57 AMThe colours in the notes are not supposed to appear in the eventual score, right?

Oh yeah, the colours are just a visual aid which disappears when you print or generate a PDF.
Piano Arrangements / Re: 607's Arrangements
November 07, 2020, 01:26:38 PM

Here's how I would have notated this part. I gather you're using Notepad, so I'm not sure whether all of these features are available to you, but there's a few things you can do to improve readability here if possible:
  • Make sure you don't add in extra layers when they're not necessary: it was straightforward for me to combine two of the LH layers in the first measure and there isn't a compelling musical reason to have them separated.
  • Hide rests judiciously: for example, in the second half of m2, I hid the half rest you have in the LH (corresponding to the layer with the C-F eighths) since it doesn't contribute to understanding the rhythms.
  • Align rests with the parts they correspond to and point stems away from each other: it improves readability a lot just to point the stems in the lowest LH part downwards instead of upwards.
damn that's a hit of nostalgia

I just happened to notice one thing: I think the first RH G in m.28 should be a G#. Otherwise this sounds super clean.