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Messages - Pikachu123

Help! / Re: Where is "Pokemon Great Medley" please ?
February 04, 2011, 01:30:46 PM
Thank you sooooo much !  ;)
Help! / Re: Where is "Pokemon Great Medley" please ?
February 04, 2011, 12:01:35 PM
OMG Dahans !! I LOVE U so much lol !! Your great medley Pokemon is....... i have no words, tu es un vrai artiste pour avoir fait çà, sincèrement !! Magnifique ! Im so happy and now i play it everytime !!

I want the Poke theme new (song of the anime) and the beautiful Lugia's song please, if u can.

Thank You so much for ure work  :) Respect
Help! / Re: Where is "Pokemon Great Medley" please ?
February 04, 2011, 02:57:25 AM
Yes I can, but at the place of the note her is only "f" (first letter of FinaleReader)...  :'(
Help! / Re: Where is "Pokemon Great Medley" please ?
February 04, 2011, 12:43:34 AM
Hi !

Sorry for my last information but print the files with Finale Reader is impossible, i have try today and no...  ???

So i want to know if somebody can make a PDF of "Poke theme new" and "Lugia's Song" please ?

And thank you again for the medley PDF !

Bye !  :)
Help! / Re: Where is "Pokemon Great Medley" please ?
February 03, 2011, 03:04:11 PM
Thank You so much !! ;)
Help! / Re: Where is "Pokemon Great Medley" please ?
February 03, 2011, 11:36:52 AM
Yeah !! I have the solution lol ! It's so easy ! I can open the medley and other !!

Follow this links

and after, on right choose "Windows" or "Mac". You must register on the site but Final Reader is the only who is free. U can open, read and PRINT the files lol !

I hope i have help !

Bye ! And thanks for you help ! :D
Help! / Re: Where is "Pokemon Great Medley" please ?
February 03, 2011, 08:10:51 AM
Hi !! And thanks for your answer, i have good find Pokemon great medley in Submission !!
But now.... (i know i'm really noob lol) i have the files in ".MUS" and i don't know how make for open the files and print the medley.... :-( I have no find a free software for open files ".MUS".

Can you help me again please ?? ^^

And thank you so much for all !  :)
Help! / Where is "Pokemon Great Medley" please ?
February 02, 2011, 03:03:53 PM
Sorry if this question is not in the good place but im really bad in english so i don't understand all....

So I search absolutely the pdf/mus of Pokemon The Great Medley. But on the site the link is not available.

Someone can help me or send me this sheet music ?

Thank You so much and sorry for this request ! ^^