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Messages - Sekter77

Yeah, it sounds fine to me! I can't hear any problems really. Also, that's a really long arrangement!  :P Kudos.
Right. So, the song I was working on is taking longer than I thought! In the meantime, I'll probably just do a couple replacements for the site while chipping away at it. I could probably upload what I have if anyone's interested in taking a look at it though.
Hey guys. Hard to believe it's been over a year! I really lost interest in music for a while, but I recently picked up my guitar again and got the arranging bug back! I know I wasn't terribly active or anything when I was here, but I hope I can come back and start contributing even a little bit to this great community again. I'm already working on one arrangement so hopefully it'll be done in the next week or so.

It seems like there's a lot of new talent and ideas here too so it's good to see things keep improving! If there's anything I can work on, please let me know and I'll see what I can do to help!
Site News / Re: Ocarina of Time Replacement Update!
January 30, 2012, 03:50:18 PM
Quote from: Winter on January 30, 2012, 02:30:17 PMI don't know. Maybe Deku did. We had a huge conversation about it a while back. Hard song to arrange :/
Yeah, the left hand chords can be hard to make playable. The right hand's not too tough though.
Site News / Re: Ocarina of Time Replacement Update!
January 30, 2012, 01:56:11 PM
Hey, alright!  :D
Good to see these go up.
Going through all of them now and so far I'm really impressed!
But I did do a replacement of Gerudo Valley too... Did you guys get a chance to look over it?
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
January 11, 2012, 03:30:04 PM
No kidding. I bought it over break but pushed it aside so I could beat Skyward Sword. I probably won't get to see the title screen for over a month...
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
January 11, 2012, 06:54:50 AM
It's the Blast and Bounce one. I hated it because of the tires, and because of the barrel cannon sections near the end. And now that I think about it, the World 4 and 6 temples were pretty awful too.

That's also kind of surprising! Once you remember the order of the platforms in that one it becomes a lot easier. I think the second temple may be the easiest I think.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario 3D Land
January 10, 2012, 08:29:13 PM
The final level almost made me break my phone honestly. It's epically difficult. Took me forever to beat the first time (with Luigi), but then when I went back to beat it with Mario, I got it on the second try. ???

I actually wasn't hugely impressed with the game until the special worlds, then I gained a new appreciation for every level in the game. It's an extremely polished and well-crafted game!
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right now?
January 10, 2012, 08:23:56 PM
Oh boy is DKCR difficult. The temple levels got me so worked up, especially the one in World 5 (which is strange because that's my favorite world otherwise). It's very satisfying to beat though!

The contrast between KEY and DKCR actually illustrates one of my favorite aspects of gaming in that ridiculous challenge can be just as fun and enjoyable and fun as relaxing platforming if done right. They're both some of my favorite games so far despite their huge differences!
Project Archive / Re: The "Fixing the Sheets" Project
January 10, 2012, 03:44:49 PM
Quote from: DekuTrombonist on January 10, 2012, 03:00:39 PMYeah, errrrr... sorry about not putting those up earlier  :-[
Don't worry about it! It's not a big deal. Anyway, I went ahead and took a look at the first 2 Link's Awakening sheets and did some simple changes.
Angler's Tunnel
I moved it an octave higher and changed the notes in the run at the end to flats for easier readability.

Animal Village
I think I just added some articulation in this one.

I also changed the composer information for both sheets. Koji Kondo actually did not work on this game. It was composed by Kozumi Totaka, Minako Hamano, and Kozue Ishikawa according to Wikipedia.
Project Archive / Re: The "Fixing the Sheets" Project
January 10, 2012, 12:47:31 PM
I know that me and DekuTrombonist had some Ocarina of Time replacements a while back. Guess we can finally use those!

I know that I have Goron City, Gerudo Valley, Kaepora Gaebora, and Horse Race lying around. I think I've still got one of Kokiri Forest and maybe a couple of others as well.

Other wise, I'd say we should re-do Wind Waker and Twilight Princess because they're probably going to be more popular (and because the formatting on most of them is pretty bad), but otherwise I don't think anyone's really looked at the portable games so they are in need of just as much help probably. I suppose I can work on Link's Awakening replacements. I'll post my thoughts on them sometime next weekend.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Polls!
November 29, 2011, 03:49:34 PM
Gotta be 64. I love Mario Kart but was so unbelievably underwhelmed when I played Mario Kart Wii that I never even bought it. 64 was part of my childhood and I still have great memories of playing it then and now.

I am excited for Mario Kart 7 though! (it is called that) It looks like Mario Kart DS which is by far my favorite so I'm sure it'll turn out fine. And I'll get to play some of those Mario Kart Wii tracks that I didn't really get a chance to play.
Project Archive / Re: Fixing the Sheets Project
November 29, 2011, 03:32:26 PM
I'd be ok with the chat thing too. I know I haven't been here for a while, but that would be a good way to really critique a sheet fully. I'd just need to know how to get on as I've never done that before.
Nintendo / Re: Your 3DS Game Library!
October 31, 2011, 08:14:32 PM
Quote from: Bespinben on October 31, 2011, 12:18:59 PMI keep on hearing mixed reviews over Rumble Blast, but I just can't get over that fact that they're using those stupid, stinking My Pokémon Ranch models. Mii-fied Pokémon just does not sit well in my book. I suppose the only way to really find out is just try the game myself, but still... I guess I'm just stubborned XD
This is all a marketing trick. They want the Pokemon to all look super-cute so that all those "non-gamers" or "casual gamers" will be sucked into it. Pokemon is such a cash cow for Nintendo and has a lot of universal appeal so they're trying to milk that to entice more hold-outs over to the 3DS for their Pokemon fix.
Basically, you're probably not the targeted audience for this game, but Nintendo is fine with that.

Quote from: SlowPokemon on October 27, 2011, 07:56:06 PM6.5 on IGN... meh I'll pass on this.
I wouldn't go with just one review, especially one from IGN. There's no way they'd give this game anything over a 7, even if it was truly a fantastic game. Again, they're not the target audience and aren't supposed to find as much enjoyment in it. They did say it was better than the original, so if you liked that, you'll probably like this one too. The consensus (Metascore has it at a 60 right now) seems to be that it's just really repetitive which wears away what fun there would've been fairly quick. And that it's just not deep enough for this kind of retail release.
Nintendo / Re: The 3DS and Wii U Topic
October 31, 2011, 08:03:39 PM
Quote from: SlowPokemon on October 31, 2011, 03:57:45 PMCause searching for a hidden star is about 10x the fun of a bunch of straightforward flagpole ending levels. NSMB is fun but SM64/Galaxy is far superior.

I agree with you that finding a star is more fun. SM64 is probably my favorite Mario game because of its non-linearity, but I don't want every Mario game to be that way. I think it's pretty cool that they're doing a mix of 2D and 3D stuff and am glad that they're both trying something new and old at the same time. Really, if they had just put a star at the end of each level instead of a flagpole, it would've only been an aesthetic change. But hey, everyone's got their own opinion.