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Messages - Wolfos

Art / Re: ZeldaFan's Art
June 05, 2008, 12:30:44 AM
Quote from: starpikachu on June 03, 2008, 04:33:15 PMx2!
You have awesome talent! I took 3 art classes but the teachers didn't teach me anything useful, so I can't make anything that good. I should get my friend to draw some pics for this site. She makes good THE BEST anime pics. ;D

You don't need an art teacher to be able to draw things, or to draw better.  "practice".
Also, the best anime pics huh?   Those are some big words to go by.  I'd like to see her artwork.  :D

Quote from: ZeldaFan on June 04, 2008, 12:43:28 PMHa ha thanks

well, that whole SSBB character idea pretty much failed. I've only drawn diddy so far, but i don't have time to scan it, so you'll have to wait a couple weeks

Aww, that's too bad.  Ah well,  I'd like to see your diddy drawing anyways.  :)
PC / Re: Is WoW overrated?
May 29, 2008, 08:42:12 AM

Plus Blizzard makes the game no fun anymore (i think).  What i hear from my two brothers who still play, it seems everyone is either doing BG's or Arena's all the time, because it's one of the better ways of getting decent gear.  So a lot of people are running around with the same stuff on.  I've never been that big of a fan of BG's, but before the expansion came out, everyone was doing them to get high warlord gear, which was waay to easy to get.  Oh man it was so annoying.  With other reasons, that is one reason why i quit...   The game is just to time demanding.  And it gets to the point where it's just not relaxing to play anymore...  Plus it's too expensive to even play.

Anyways, i can't say how it is now, i haven't played much of the expansion.  Don't care though.  Won't play even when the next expansion comes out either.   I'm more interested in Starcraft II when it comes out.  :D
Art / Re: Wolfos' Art
May 05, 2008, 09:23:58 AM
Some more art added.  And i relinked images with Photobucket.
Movies & TV / Re: Anime!
April 29, 2008, 07:21:46 PM
Meh...  I don't like watching anime on youtube, just too poor of quality and the video's are all broken up.  Plus i can't stand reading everyone's comments, mainly because some people like to blurt out what happens in each episode...

Favorite anime's so far:  Bleach, DN, Jigoku Shoujo and The melancholy of Harhuhi Suzumiya.
Favorite anime girls:  Isane Kotetsu!
Favoite anime music: Younha and Yui are pretty good (they both do some Bleach songs).  And i like most of the Jigoku Shoujo music, including the intros and endings.

Right now I'm watching "La Corda d'Oro ~Primo Passo~" (just randomly watching it, i don't know too much about it).  I'd say it's one for music lovers.  I'm only five ep's in, though i have to say it's really cheesy, and it's not my type of anime i guess.  But it's ok, and has somewhat funny parts; i like the art...  Anyone have any thoughts on this anime, who have seen it?

The next anime i watch will be "Elfen Lied", from what I've read, a lot of people like it.  I only watched the first ep. and i was wowed.  I can't wait to see the rest.
Art / Re: LotD random stuff
April 29, 2008, 06:35:53 PM
Never played Golden Sun, so i hardly know anything about the game or characters.  But i guess you did a decent job with drawing them.

Constructive Criticism:
One thing that looks off (too me) are the eyes on most of the drawings, although anime / cartoon eyes can be drawn many different ways...  Still i think you may have drawn the pupil's too big.  And the iris's should probably be a tad smaller and more round, with thicker lines above and more of a line underneath to show that there is a white area of the eye.   Also, with the Shebaface drawing, the reflection on the eye's should be in the same place.

Good job on these still.  keep it up.
Movies & TV / Re: Bleach!
April 02, 2008, 08:51:28 PM
I'll have to give it a watch sometime.. 

I've been watching "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya".  Short but it's fun to watch.
Off-Topic / Re: LoZ MOVIE!!!!!!
April 02, 2008, 08:49:19 PM
Quote from: Mike on April 02, 2008, 07:44:35 PM
Quote from: gamer4251 on April 02, 2008, 05:36:55 PMOther platformer games like Banjo Kazooie and Tooie are far superior to any of the Zelda games.

What? What! WHAT!?! How can you say such an insane thing. Just Link to the Past by itself can kick any other game's ass, if they had any, without even trying, then kill them and use their cart/disk corpse as toilet paper.

I agree.  ;D
Art / Re: ZeldaFan's Art
March 27, 2008, 03:07:24 PM
Quote from: ZeldaFan on March 27, 2008, 12:23:18 PMI'm thinking about drawing all the characters from SSBB... what do you guys think?

it would take me a really long time since i'm pretty busy with school right now, but by summer time, i think i could get a lot done

I think you should go for it.  It sounds like a great goal.
Art / Re: Echo's Art
March 23, 2008, 04:45:06 PM
Can't say i know who Gold is from Pokemon, (well i haven't been following the series too much anyways)  So i can't say how accurate the drawing is...  Is that the actual size of the drawing though?

Try not to be lazy with your art, enjoy it. :D  Keep practicing, and learn from your past drawings.
Nintendo / Re: ds
March 22, 2008, 05:18:54 PM
I have a M3 DS Simply.  It's the same thing, only difference is the name.  And actually i think you can find M3's cheaper than R4's in most cases, i did.  But yeah they are cool, I have a couple of computer games on mine (crappy ones, i don't even play them, but i just like to know that i can put them on there i guess.)  I also have some snes and nes game roms, like LoZ A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, etc...  I use it mostly for Music and Video's though, my whole 1GB card is full of Zelda music. :D
Off-Topic / Re: What songs can you play?
March 21, 2008, 12:14:51 PM
Quote from: ZeldaFan on March 21, 2008, 11:57:35 AMi would recommend Plumm's Minigame, Kakariko Village (TP) and  the Lost Woods from OoT. they are all pretty easy. on lost woods, it might just take a while to get it up to speed.

and hopefully i'm recommending some good ones, that are actually easy, but i'm biased because i've been playing a long time  :-\

Cool, I haven't tied Kakariko Village, TP.  Maybe I'll give it a try, it seems to be a slower song.  I actually tired The Lost Woods, OoT before, but i still found it too difficult.  I only learned the first part.

Thanks  ;)
Off-Topic / Re: What songs can you play?
March 20, 2008, 07:16:12 PM
Wow you know so many great songs ZeldaFan!  I'm only a beginner and self teaching myself, so i can't play too well yet.  But I'm trying...

The only songs I've learned so far are Minuet of the Forest, Prelude of light, Serenade of Water, The Great Deku Tree and some others... yes they are all easy songs  :-[  But at least they are songs i like.  I refuse to learn from songs i hate.

I've been wanting to play a TP song, so I'm working on Faron Woods right now.  Is there any song's anyone would recommend for a beginner.  I'm a fan of anything LoZ.
Art / Re: Wolfos' Art
March 20, 2008, 04:44:18 PM
Quote from: ZeldaFan on March 20, 2008, 01:03:49 PM:o :o :o
jeez, i thought i was pretty good,

especially the turtle  :P

Nah, don't say that :'(  Your art is great!  ...Where my skills in drawing are at now, it only took commitment, practice and patients, and still i really really need to improve on all of those things.  But i can see by looking at your drawings that you have lots of patients and you are really good with paying attention to detail ... Besides you draw way better backgrounds than i do, I'm jealous.  :P

Thanks Zeldafan, oh and Lildigipoke2.  :D

Everyone seems to like the realism turtle drawing 0.o  Maybe i should post more of it.
Quote from: Lildigipoke2 on March 20, 2008, 09:09:05 AMEninem is gay!

Agreed.  I really can't see anyone who likes rap being on a piano forum anyways.
Movies & TV / Re: Bleach!
March 20, 2008, 12:53:41 AM
Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on February 27, 2008, 04:15:44 PMIs anyone else here an Otaku?  Anyways, I know a lot of people say Bleach is overrated...but that's just because they think that any anime that has over 26 episodes, sans the ova's, must be crappy; but that's not the case!  ITS FREAKING AWESOME!!!  The best moment has to be when Ichigo takes out 3 Lieutenant's with out his Zanpaktou before facing Kuchiki Byakuya.  BEST. MOMENT. EVER.

Cool a Bleach topic!  I love Bleach and i also agree with you, that was one of the best moments in the series, i occasionally have to go back and watch episode 55 now and then.  (I watched it 2 days ago actually :D)  Episode 54 and 55 both show that scene, but i like to watch 55 for the better music  ;).  Oh and i dislike the English dubbed version,  It's not really all that bad, (I've watched most of them)  But the fact that it's on Adult Swim makes me dislike it.  I hate Adult Swim...

Isane Kotetsu is one of my favorite characters from the series, It's too bad there's not a lot of stuff on her.  And the only time we get to see her Zanpaktou, she ends up getting knocked out by Ichigo!  ..Poor Isane.   I know there is some more stuff on her in the recent episodes, but please do not spoil it for me.  I've only made it to ep. 145 i think.  I'm kind of saving up the episodes while i watch other anime.

Oh and the only thing i have against Bleach is the Bount Arc.  The episodes weren't too bad, but they were way slow.  It just seemed like a big filler, and it basically was...

Also i just got done watching Death Note, it was alright, but too short.  Anyways I'm looking for something new to watch,  Is there any other anime's that you think are worth watching?  (this is directed towards you Concerto).