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Messages - vgmfreak

psst. goldfish, you still there?
Feedback / Re: Finale Glitch?
May 05, 2008, 03:04:10 PM
Quote from: PianoMan on May 05, 2008, 02:00:01 PMYa mean alt+F4 while the program's up? or just press alt+F4?

How old are you? Alt+F4 is the close command, it's an alternative way to close an application. If that's too hard to understand, press the X button in the upper-right corner. Once you close the application (Finale Notepad 2008) start it up again like you did before when you wanted to open it up. That is what G-han is telling you when he means restart it.

If that doesn't work, go to Midi in the menu bar. Where is it? At the top you should see something like File    Edit   View   Document   Midi. Click Midi and a drop down menu appears. Click Midi Setup. It's the first one. On the right side it says Midi out. Set Device: to SmartMusic SoftSynth 1.
Just PM'ed brian at vgsheets. He said he's very busy, but he'll be able to help out when he's on break, which is in May some time. Can you guys like wait until May? I'm sorry, you guys are probably anxious :D
Awesome! Maybe we can have people be in charge of certain instruments that they specialize in. Like Sirus can oversee the strings, you can oversee the brass section to make sure it's all correct, and Brian and random_goldfish will be like the top overseer (sp?) in charge of the whole project. Maybe split up the suite into sections and by that each section will be assigned to the person in charge of it.

It goes something like this from top hierarchy to bottom hierarchy. 1. Master Orchestrator (in charge of overseeing the entire project), 2. Co-master orchestrator (2nd in command; in charge of overseeing that section of the project), 3. Instrumental specialists (in charge of making sure instruments are notated correctly based on their speciality), 4. lower class peasants I mean arrangers (those who have no experience in orchestrating, but just want to help out arranging). Not part of the hierarchy are the master orchestrator's advisors (in charge of double-checking the notation for errors; you must have very good ears and be able to pay attention to detail! Another plus is if you understand some orchestrating as well).

Now what suite shall we do? I'm gonna beg brian to help out so be patient guys!
This is awesome! :o Well the only one I listened to was Green Greens which is my favorite tune. It's overkill lol, but awesome still. Man I wish Brian was here so we'd have 2 best orchestrators working together. Maybe Sirus too, but he's more of a string orchestrator than a general orchestrator, but it's still 3 heads better than one at least!

If you guys do come together, than I'm really looking forward to the "big project" whatever that may be (hoping some kind of suite).
Fulfilled requests / Re: Detective Conan Theme
April 26, 2008, 05:53:20 PM
Try making the request at vgsheets
Piano Arrangements / Re: Chipmunk884's Arrangements
April 23, 2008, 05:19:57 PM
You guys have no idea why double sharps and double flats exist do you? ::) There's a reason why they exist. For one thing, no they are not there for aesthetic reasons just to make your sheets look "complex" because the way it's used in that score is wrong. However I'll let you guys do the research. Google it! ;)
Music / Re: Vote Here for NSM Theme Song!
April 23, 2008, 04:29:14 PM
Quote from: Sirus on April 23, 2008, 03:00:25 PMi never said anything
it can be minor but not too sad
the sound quality is horrible b/c mediafire is messing up on its uploads for me for some reason

Just reread the rules. sorry about that. You stated it in rule #3. Good, though doesn't seem like some of them are complying with that rule. It just doesn't sound NSM-ish to me. #2 sounds good enough though.

It's actually difficult for a piece to be not sad when it's in minor :D Stick with major to save yourselves the trouble ;)

I don't know if that is either the truth or an excuse. Do file hosting services really strip files down? That can't be right or else they'd go bankrupt and have to close down because of competition (always go with the best hosting site). If it's streamed however, that can be a little different than saving the files itself. Mediafire must hate you then :D or your computer. Try other sites if it helps.
Music / Re: Vote Here for NSM Theme Song!
April 23, 2008, 04:14:08 PM
Quote from: Akiro on April 23, 2008, 06:25:56 AMGo get a life, like you guys ever composed something that is orchestrated.

That whole post was not directed at you unless you were one of the composer. I'm only giving constructive criticism towards the people who composed it. As for the quote above, that is a weak argument. If I cannot give constructive criticism (as I did with that long post) then I shouldn't be judging them in the first place. Gamer says they don't have any excitement in them. Does that mean he has bad taste? No. I even went far to elaborate my points with what needs to be improved (and that is a good thing) since my previous post before that was weak. Telling others to get a life and assuming they can't compose makes you look stupid. has the best reviewers imo. Lots of constructive criticism and no one argues. If they tell you it's lacking what're you gonna do? tell them to get a life?

Instead of saying that, tell us what's good about them as counter-arguments and I'll be happy to accept it. Be truthful about it. Don't give everything a 10/10 because of peer pressure forcing you to.
Music / Re: Vote Here for NSM Theme Song!
April 23, 2008, 01:31:49 PM
I meant #1 XD *fixed*
Music / Re: Vote Here for NSM Theme Song!
April 23, 2008, 12:52:43 PM
Akiro it's called constructive criticism. Trust me, they'll be saying the exact samething at so your argument fails. Ok I'll explain it constructively ichigo style.

Anyways, looks like #1 is losing. We all know why, no need to explain. Tips from ichigos for you

#2 and 3 are on par. I like #2 but the ending is incomplete (it's the harp), but you get a point for keeping it happy sounding as it represents NSM.

#3 does NOT fit in with the theme of NSM at all. The intro is what people will be first hearing and will be judging. I don't like it because it sounds melancholy. After that I'm like ok it's making some progress... but all of a sudden it plays loud and depressing around 00:42. Sirus said it could be anything. I disagree, NSM is suppose to be upbeat and active. Take a look at vgmusic's theme song jingle. It's perfect for their theme. It starts out happy and brilliant and people will guess vgmusic IS happy and brilliant.

The WORST mistake for #1. The Mario Theme. I see controversies and disputes down the road. *This theme song is property of NSM" Huh!? what's Mario doing in there then? You should say property of NSM and Nintendo instead! However it doesn't feel right to incorporate another company's brand into your own theme song. You want it to be unique and be the property of your site, not some other companies with it. Plus you need permission to use it in your theme song as well.

The music tells a scene, it does not tell you so you cannot compose whatever you like. If it's a battle theme, then make it a battle theme. If it's an NSM theme, then make it an NSM theme, by now you should know what NSM is like. If NSM were to be jazzy, then make it jazzy, but it isn't jazzy so jazz isn't a good idea. You are not writing for yourself, you are writing for NSM. NSM is not depressed or full of haters which #3 is conveying. You do not want the public to think that way as their first guess when they hear it.

Please think wisely before voting. Do not vote because it sounds great. Vote for the one that SHOULD match with NSM's theme. It has to be memorable also.
Music / Re: Vote Here for NSM Theme Song!
April 22, 2008, 11:38:21 PM
I have to agree with gamer. One of them was ok, but it's not what I expected. It's not even worth transcribing to be played on the piano. You just don't feel "liven" up. Although it was worth a try I guess. Needs more complexity.
Pianomasta do you have a higher quality version? Just what did you do to it!? :D This is the most lossless mp3 I have ever heard. It seems lifeless. It's 10x worse than youtube's audio quality. Agh my ears.
we got dekudude, zoradude, what's next? gorondude? <_<

They kinda remind me of Zelda. Try to stay away from them to avoid suspicion. Keep up the good work!
Music / Re: Video Game Orchestrations
April 13, 2008, 08:09:11 PM
I have a question about the dark overworld (dark). Did you really put work into it? Time to do some detective work 8) The double flats is a dead give away. You also said "Don't mind the notes :P". *says in suspicious tone* Uh-huh. Originally you have it in Eb major, which is suppose to be in minor at the very start (something newbies don't check). It is also suppose to be in G minor, but that's probably not important (but is important when considering instrument ranges). Anyways I listened to the whole thing. Suspicious, I checked the key sig. C minor it said, and any newbie would begin a piece starting in major (when clearly dark overworld is not) as the original. I changed it back to major. Guess what, it sounded exactly like the dark overworld (normal) arrangement. So all you did was pull out your key sig tool, changed it from major to minor, set transpose notes: Down, and viola! Effortless work and no correction, very risky because you don't know what Finale will do to it (hence why you said "Don't mind the notes :P). It sounded weird in some places. So it's basically in C minor minor. I guess Finale gets credit for actually arranging it :D Just come out and say Finale did it. Even if Finale is just a mindless software, it still deserves credit lol.

Don't take this post offensive akiro, I'm only joking around. It's funny actually :D