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Messages - Bloop

I fixed the grace note issue for you, the title/subtitle being centered is fine (that's what the formatting guidelines say), and the slurs look good to me too. So I'll accept!
Quote from: Latios212 on July 13, 2024, 08:02:40 PM- The last four notes in the last measure are G-G#-A-B instead of G-A-A#-B
Quick addition to be sure, cuz of the key signature change this will be G - Ab - A natural - B natural
Quote from: Latios212 on July 13, 2024, 07:43:48 PMHm, I still feel like it is, perhaps quite quickly? Stylistically I think it also makes sense to reduce the crunchiness of the D-Eb minor second and highlight the melody G a bit better. Let me know if you still disagree though.
It is a stylistic thing to play some chords with a veeeeery slight delay between notes, but that isn't really similar to a roll like the other rolls in this section. It's more a way to distribute the weight between the fingers, rather than actively rolling a chord.

Quote from: Latios212 on July 13, 2024, 07:43:48 PMaaaaaaa so what I did earlier did have an unintended side effect. I assume you mean 17 and 20? There's probably a better way, but I poked them manually for now
Ah yep, looks good!
Awesome! Maybe a cautionary accidental on the top Bb in m12 beat 3.5 would be nice, just to be sure? Either way I'll approve!
Rivers in the Desert
i couldn't help vibing on the D.S. chorus hahaha
-m1-4: After one repeat (and also continuing in m5-8), there seems to be an added fifth to the guitar chords.
-m73: Do you think there's a way to add some ties into the R.H. note here, since it's tied over from m56? There's some shenanigans you could do with an extra measure that's excluded from the measure numbering that has a chord with invisible noteheads that ties into this measure, but maybe there's an easier solution lol.
-m83 and 87: Maybe it's easier for the R.H. to take the upper note in these measures? They're pretty stretchy for the L.H.
-m117: The R.H. doesn't go up in the original, it stays on the G instead.
-I don't remember if or how this song repeats in-game, is that something you feel like figuring out and including in the arrangement?
This looks really solid! Only thing I was wondering is how you were intending the player to play the extra layer in m19-20 and m23-26. Do you want them to use a pedal here? If so, you could add a few pedal marks to be sure.
Double posting because I happened to also take a look at:

Sector 4
-This piece seems mostly be in Bb minor, though that mostly only becomes clear from m16 on. Thoughts on including a key signature there or for the whole piece?
-m12 beat 3.5 to m15: There seems to be a lower Bb here in the strings too. If the R.H. takes the top notes here, the L.H. can play that lower Bb.
-m44: The Bb in the R.H. on beat 2 is an octave higher in the original
-m47: I'm assuming you used the Bbb here in the R.H. for a Gbm chord, but maybe you could write it as an An too, as it's functionally similar to dropping to a leading tone?
Awesome, then I'll approve Last Voyage!
Awesome! Then I'm ready to accept!
Only one last thing left (cuz i didn't notice it before, sorry!), but there seems to be some inconsistency with the marcato marks: some are larger (like in m4) than others (like in m15). I personally think the smaller ones look a bit better, but as long as it's consistent it's good ^^ Also, marcato marks are usually always placed above the notes (the only exception being when working with layers), so maybe you could flip their placement in m50-51 and 54-55 in the L.H.?
Quote from: Fullmetalgrudo on July 11, 2024, 04:28:16 AMI agree for m1 and m13 but I prefer m12 and m17 the way they are. On m12, I like the idea of three 16th, like four with a missing one, where all three notes have the same articulation and with a short rest before beat 4.
I see your reasoning yeah, but I'm just wondering how it'd differ compared to the other places in the R.H. where you did use a staccato 16th? Because the original is an 8-bit song, it's hard to really discern any articulation between them other than long or short.
Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 08:59:01 AMY'know, most people normally wouldn't think to do m1-3, but the way you arranged it sounds so tonally right for Twilight Princess lol
Thanks! I love figuring out how to make weird sound effects work on a piano, glad it works with the general idea too ;3

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 08:59:01 AMAdmittedly I was hoping to open this and hear A D F A D like some basic remaster of the OOT 64 theme. Oh... eh I guess it's not so bad. I felt like I spent the most time listening to make sense of the loop.
The original song of time version does exist in twilight princess too! In the hall before the temple, which is pretty much based on the original temple of time as well. But yeah, it would've been even better if the temple theme would use that thematic material too, but oh well :p

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 08:59:01 AM• I happened to notice you dropped the "and Koji Kondo", and added an oxford comma in the composer credits. Mixing it up haha? Just was reviewing your other TP arrangements onsite
Huh, idk how that happened haha, changed it to be consistent with my on site sheets ^^

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 08:59:01 AM• It sounds like there should be a final pitch at the end of the triplets in m1 on beat 3. I also think on beat 2 the last triplet should be same pitches as first note of this triplet grouping. Just listening to the percussion sounds. Thoughts?
Ah yeah, I didn't notice the exact workings of the triplet before, just went with a general piano idea that sounded right. I added a note on beat 3 and changed that + the second to last note to be the same as the two notes before!
Projects / Re: Bloop's Aquatic Project Sheets
July 10, 2024, 01:49:57 PM
Quote from: Latios212 on June 20, 2024, 04:19:51 PMI've wanted to see a sheet for this since the first time I heard the piece haha. "From this point on, don't worry about accuracy" best performance direction
I didn't know about the song for the longest time, but once I heard it I knew it was something I should arrange hahaha

Quote from: Latios212 on June 20, 2024, 04:19:51 PM- LH part in m. 36 and the even numbered measures after it: the 3rd/4th/5th eighth notes here. I feel like they might be a half step up (G#-A-G#) but I'm not certain. Mind double checking?
- I'm hearing the upper RH chords in m. 43 as such:
Fixed both of these! Changed the enharmonic spelling for m36 a bit because of it, and I went with a D as upper note in m43 beat 7 instead of the A, as I hear that one more prominently