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Messages - ThatOneComposer

Ahh I'm glad to get a warm welcome :) I used to arrange NON-STOP. I would arrange pieces that were extremely complicated and could only be played by a person with 4 hands. XD I remember when Methos/Akiro--anyone remember that guy?! haha--would accuse me of transferring the midi's to finale and submitting like that, but I had truthfully arranged the whole thing by ear. I think I may do a few arrangements again, I'm just so caught up with composing now!
Quote from: Shadoninja on February 12, 2012, 12:35:17 AMwow first razer and then you. I wonder if eliteguardian will show up.

anyways, hi! I remember you.
Hmm, perhaps it's just that time of the month. :P Well hello! I remember you as well. So I take it more old members are showing up? I'm so glad to see the site looking active again. :)
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
February 12, 2012, 12:45:01 AM
It's been nearly 2 years since my last post, so I think I'm going to re-introduce myself...

Name: Michael
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Instruments: Paino, Saxophone, Clarinet, Marimba, and a bit of flute
Favorite game music: Banjo-Kazooie series: Anything Grant Kirkhope, really.
Favorite video game: Banjo-Kazooie
Other: I've been composing for nearly 6 years now. I started out here at NSM arranging pieces and slowly grew into a composer. I first joined under the SN B-Kpianist, but returned under this SN after a long leave. Anyone remember me? I miss this place. :'(
You guys, I feel like a grandpa returning to his roots. I haven't been to this site in ages!  :'( How is everyone?! Does anyone remember me? I initially went under the name B-Kpianist--I'm cringing while reading my old posts, actually--but returned about a year or two ago under my current SN.
Soooo how does this work? The tunes are supposed to fit together? I don't really understand the concept of the game besides writing music.
Quote from: Sir Awesomesauce on May 03, 2010, 02:05:08 PMAP Gov. Test Sucked.
My ex took that today (we're good friends for the record, just throwin' that out there lol). He said the same thing :-/
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
April 30, 2010, 11:32:49 PM
Quote from: SuperFireKirby on April 26, 2010, 11:35:58 AMIs there a reason your not just using your B-K account? Or are you just cool like that.
Both 8) Haha No no, jk. I forgot how to get into my old account, and I've been using this username more frequently than before- so i just went with it.

Thanks for the welcome, guys!  ;D
Ohh I see. Well thanks. I'll definitely consider what you said before- it's a good point you've brought up that no one really has brought up before. (:
So I take it you didn't like it all that much?

Which is fine if you didn't of course- I take into consideration any criticism or compliments I get.
True, True. I just didn't know what to label it as.

Plus, when I wrote that piece- i wasn't even thinking of Super Mario Galaxy. I was thinking of some fictional game of my own. I just felt that it seems like it could fit into SMG- so i gave it that label. I don't know if that makes much sense- I hope you get what I'm saying.
Wellll I thought the new piece I wrote was more of my own style- I just thought that it'd fit well in Super Mario Galaxy, so that's what I labled it as. Also, a lot of the songs I write (while in Kirkhope's style) tend to reflect a bit of myself. I just don't like to deviate too far away from the original sound because those songs are for an actually Banjo-Kazooie game.
I'm planning to go to a music school once I graduate- so I definitely want it to be my future :) For now I guess it can only be considered a hobby.  :-\
Double post FTL. Don't copy me, I'm a bad example! :P Haha

Here's a new one: Sand Jungle Galaxy
Yup, I tackled a Super Mario Galaxy piece. Tell me what you think! :D
Haha I promise I will- and thanks btw! (: