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Messages - Kaiveran

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 04:18:49 PM
ShyYoshiGuy, you have 3 hours and 42 minutes to un-give up and spill the tea.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 04:08:00 PM
EOD 10 PM Central

ShyYoshiGuy – 3/4 – davy, Nana1Popo2, FireArrow
Kaiveran – 1/4 – BlackDragonSlayer
davy – 1/4 – ShyYoshiGuy
FireArrow – 1/4 – Funnygurl555
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 01:28:46 PM
(and i'm off, should be back around 5:30 at the latest)
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 01:26:59 PM
@Nana1Popo2: I see that. I think it still might be a backtrack. However, stuff like that DID happen in the old days, so it could be easy to just knee-jerk tinfoil it here without critically considering the situation. Think I'm willing to forgive funny's stuff too.

I don't have the time or energy to do a meta-dive (mostly because I'm hosting two games offsite) so I've been trusting of regulars' meta reads here. However, you yourself admit it's not alignment indicative, so...yeah

Do you have any ideas about the wolf team?
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 12:31:04 PM
Quote from: davy on April 15, 2019, 12:23:38 PMWhat exactly are you referring to with this?
This post, but I misremembered, it's not actually your opening  :o
(As an aside, thanks for teaching me how to link posts on this forum!)
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 12:14:52 PM
Quote from: ShyYoshiGuy on April 15, 2019, 11:53:11 AMJust lynch me already. You're already convinced I'm wolf. I had an unfair start, but I should have mentioned it sooner. Everything I say makes it worse, and we're just dragging it on longer and longer.
This is a highly melodramatic response considering nobody has declared intent to hammer and neither davy's nor N1P2's votes seem a fraction as committed to you as FA's is.
If you're town, you should consider at least responding to the former people, giving out reads, and also claiming if you have something to claim.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 12:07:41 PM
Quote from: davy on April 14, 2019, 11:03:50 AM@Kai what is a middle of the wagon tell?
A player hopping on to the middle of a lynch wagon, especially without much justification or logical continuity from their previous play, is a common cross-tradition wolf tell. The reasoning being that the first votes require you to put yourself out there with a read (real or fake), and the votes nearing an insta-lynch also attract increased attention. Hence, the "middle" being a good spot to stay off the radar/avoid having to commit to a fabricated read.

I do really like your opening, btw.

I gotta say...the longer and more intense this conflict between FA and Funny becomes, the more I'm thinking it might be TvT. Their enmity has slowly built over the course of the game, but nothing in their play has convinced me that it's TvS rather than people of different playstyles grating on each other; the progression of their reads and stances has been really natural and both have made moves that seem logically aimed at solving the game. My interactions with them OoT do nothing to change my read. I guess I could slightly lean Funnygurl wolf, but I'd rather the discussion veer somewhere else for at least a little while before EOD. Wolves love big loud 1v1s because it keeps the attention off (most of) them.

I'll be out for an hourish starting 3:30 but other than that I'll be around, mostly OoT as I feel that might be a better way to sort things.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 11:48:40 AM
Let me get something out of the way that's been bugging me:

Quote from: Funnygurl555 on April 14, 2019, 12:10:42 AMidk man some freak of nature shit coulda happened where a wolf ate themselves
Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on April 14, 2019, 04:39:55 PMWe technically dont know [leetic is human] because cardflips are off..
I don't get this "Wolves OTK'd" conspiracy theory at all. To the point of willing to give bonus scumpoints to these people. Why would they do that in this sub-setup? Literally why? 

The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 11:39:35 AM
I am awake and ready to shake!

People like to say they're "up and Adam", but what's so special about Adam? Why does everyone want to be him?
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 03:37:57 AM
ehh on second thought, I'm feelin' snoozy again after all that. Catch y'all late morning/midday
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 02:22:11 AM
The internet is a distraction hole...but I climbed out. I feel like the real meat of the game starts on page 3, so that's where I'll start.

  • FireArrow is clearly putting the most work in here, followed by BDS.
  • In retrospect, N1P2's behavior does look a little suspicious from the jump. He starts with a fairly empty post, and everything he does seems prompted by others (#34 by FireArrow's call to get things going, #39 his hop on the SYG wagon that leetic called out).
  • FA seems to pick up on the above at #42 (and my blatant sheep vote, natch.)
  • Overall it's a pointed, investigative vibe from FA that's hard for most wolves to fake early game, especially in one that was moving as slow as this one had been.
  • Voozio's #44 is kinda odd, I guess I could interpret it as a soft defense of N1P2 from leetic, but given the low amount of actual content from him, saying its either here or there seems like a spurious link to build (kinda wish he had gotten a word in now). Which brings us right to the next page...
  • FA raises a good point at #46, but the sheer statistical weight of how D1s usually result in mislynches pulls me back to uncertainty.
  • Funnygurl is clearly just getting into the game here, I'd give minor town points for opening with a vote; I seem to remember Wolf!Funny being a bit slow to start, but that meta may be old.
  • The rest of the phase is kinda just a messy EoD scramble. Even the behavior of leaders or late voters is WIFOM-ish or otherwise ehhh (SYG makes a credible point at #55 but it might just be spinning a pure survival play; Funnygurl doesn't really have bearings here; leetic's attempted switch is clearly one of compromise rather than preference, blah de blah)
  • I really like funnygurl's #63. It's kinda a defense but also an attempt to get more information from FA.
  • BDS from #66 is pretty cool and collected, leaning human a bit more for how he expresses the uncertainty in his analysis without hedging or excess.
  • Funny NK analyzes after Daystart, I make a technically broken promise.
  • #74 from N1P2 is a little bit problematic for me, because although it does express some reads and reasoning (and I'm not against a lurker hunt per se at this stage) it's really buried in a lot of fluff. And while fluffiness is an awesome thing in many respects, it's not suited for TWG posts! Meow, caution is a natural reaction to this sort of situation though...
I'm pretty hungry now, so I'm gonna break to make some chili. I've skimmed the last two pages and it seems like it'd be more productive to engage directly with people anyway, rather than continue wallposting.

SUPER ROUGH RANKING (bottom is wolfy)


Oh, by the way davy, welcome to the game! <3
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 15, 2019, 12:36:40 AM
Ugh, sorry for disappearing guys. There was a celebration in the family today that I forgot I was supposed to go to. The good news is it was plenty fun! The downside is that the copious food and drink had me KTFO as soon as I got home. I'll get crackin on this game shortly since I have nothing better to do in the wee hours.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 13, 2019, 09:32:21 PM
I would think all TWG forums tolerate multi-posting, given no editing allowed :P

leetic wasn't the biggest voice D1, and IIRC the only person he ever actually called out was N1P2, so that might have informed the kill. That's a classic dollop of whyfoam though, so I'll hold that in abeyance until I do a thorough re-up on the game tomorrow. I might have more time for OC stuff too.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 12, 2019, 07:54:04 PM
So N1P2's vote isn't as odd as leetic thinks it is, you would say?

I admit, Voozio's vote is definitely the weirdest. He never explained his "push majority" reasoning, and I'd be okay with a quickswitch to him...the thing is, I dunno if it's gonna happen.
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CXII Game Thread
April 12, 2019, 07:07:36 PM
Vote: Voozio

to get SYG out of quicklynch range. I wanna see what he has to say before day ends if possible.