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Messages - TWG DK

I have returned in time for the finale.  Please question me, since it seems I will be lynched.
Link, please consider other options other than me and Falcon.  I may not be able to get on again tonight, so I cast my vote with Bowser.

Everyone, choose your vote wisely.  You kill me, and there are three wolves left alive, we lose the game.  This lynch is very important.
I certainly am glad I got on to double-check the end time.  Bowser, I am attending a concert tonight and will likely only be able to briefly pop in and out.  I apologize; perhaps on the drive there we can chat.

Fox, yes, that is accurate.  In case you didn't notice, however, I responded very shortly after the phase ended.  I was literally in the process of responding to Samus when I noticed the phase had ended.  I am sorry, but you simply cannot convict me based on when I was online.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 05, 2013, 02:03:15 PMFox said don't vote, yes. I however, will not be here before the end of the phase. I'll take your cue and just say I'm busy and leave it at that.

Waluigi could've gained from it primarily because he suspected you based on the fact that you didn't reply in time to Samus, and had promised him to do so.

True, but why would anyone else not gain from it every bit as much?

Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 05, 2013, 02:03:15 PMYou have 30 minutes to convince me that you are not a wolf and somebody else is. I'm in the chat, ready and willing to play.

Sorry, friend.  I'm running a tight schedule.  I have things to do now.  Besides, at this point I think you'll lynch me regardless of what I say.  I'll try to make it on before the phase ends to check in.
Quote from: TWG Bowser on May 05, 2013, 11:45:26 AMTWG DK - You are an ape that is full of eloquence, a plethora of words all signifying nothing.
This is incredibly fallacious.  My words, if anything, communicate more because of their eloquence.  Besides, I cannot help my dexterous words.  All apes speak like this; if there was a TWG Diddy Kong, you would certainly see.

Quote from: TWG Bowser on Today at 12:45:26 PM
but you wait until after both people who really wanted it have died.   The two people who would stand to gain the most from your argument, whether it be accepting your humanity or fighting your wolfism.
I have already answered to this.  But I am curious: how would Waluigi have gained more from my argument than anyone else?  Most players here think that he was wary and heavily suspicious of me; yet running through his posts, I cannot find a single attack on my uprightness.  Look for yourself if you desire.

Quote from: TWG Bowser on Today at 12:45:26 PM
You then proceed to argue "as if she still lived" in an attempt to give yourself some credence. You do this to make it seem like your argument is genuine to what you claim it to be.

...would you rather I express my argument and make it seem like it is not genuine?  The real-life player controlling me is actually in the process of chuckling at your circular reasoning.

Quote from: TWG Bowser on Today at 12:45:26 PM
You then "lose evidence" as calimed here:
This now gives you the liberty to argue with whatever you wish outside of any immediately checkable context.

This is utter foolishness.  If you are wise in the ways of Simple Machines Forums, O great and powerful Bowser, please teach me to double-layer quote.  I will be happy to re-post that, this time with the double quotes.

Quote from: TWG Bowser on Today at 12:45:26 PM
This just seems like an attempt to incriminate two players at once by providing a tenuous (1.Very weak) link between the two.

I was not attacking Yoshi.  I was attacking Samus for her passiveness to Yoshi.  If her purpose was indeed to further identify Yoshi's humanity, she could have worded it better.  It simply seemed like she was being nice to a new player.  And I know the meaning of tenuous, thank you very much.

Quote from: TWG Bowser on Today at 12:45:26 PM
Spiteful, maybe; but given that she specifically asked you for an argument and you didn't provide one when asked, and certainly not until after an unrelated party, who asked you to do the same, had died, seems to point to the fact that you are really avoiding any real arguments.
This is also a nice touch, because it gives you the liberty of never having to respond to any real arguments or criticisms against you in a timely fashion, letting you get away with murder and justifying it after the fact.

I cannot further convince you about this, Bowser.  You, however, should actually consider whether I be telling the truth.  It is really not that far-fetched.

Also, the fact that you placed a vote on me bothers me, since Fox had already stated that no one should vote so we aren't voterushed by the wolves.  It almost seems like you're trying to instigate a lynch to lure more people into voting and cause a voterush.  Because of this, Bowser is my top suspicion right now; I would be all for a lynch.
I deeply apologize for this.  I am aware of my awful timing.  After this game, when my true identity is revealed, I will explain exactly what is consuming so much of my time to make my activity here so erratic.  To defend myself against not posting my defense during the night phase:

Quote from: TWG Fox on May 04, 2013, 05:16:50 AMI feel like you didn't want to do this while Waluigi was still alive. He could've made more accusations against you based on that defense.

What could I possibly stand to gain from refraining from posting while Waluigi was still alive?  The rest of you are perfectly capable of forming rebuttals to my suspicions of Samus.  Waluigi was not the only literate player here.

Without further ado, my response to Samus Aran, given just as if she still lived.

Quote from: TWG Samus on May 02, 2013, 06:46:22 PMOk, so as of right now its been almost a half hour, the phase is almost over, and DK still hasn't answered my question. Cool. So I'll post my defense, not that it would keep me from being lynched.
This entire quote contradicts itself. "you have shown yourself to be perfectly content to follow the leads of others." This implies that I just agree with everyone else without making any accusations of myself as to stay unsuspicious. "You would be a strong lynch candidate, for the reasons Yoshi put forward"  The reasons that Yoshi put forward? That sounds like you're

My suspicion of you based on Yoshi's chat log is absolutely not me being perfectly content to follow the leads of others.  That is me responding to evidence given by another player and forming my own opinion because of it.

Her response to the parts in her post that I found suspicious (please forgive my not posting them here; I know not how to quote within a quote.) :

1. "besides myself of course"
 I do, in fact, find this suspicious.  That said, I would most certainly not lead a lynch against just for this reason.  It simply seemed to add to everything else suspicious you were doing at the time and fanned the flames, if you will.

2. "I would vote for Yoshi but he just got in the game and I'd like to see more from him"
 I understand your reasoning for this.  It is depressing when one is wolfed night one, or in this case, when one joins a game partway through, only to be lynched.  However, you understand that this statement did not help your case at all.  It seemed like a weak reason for not lynching someone, someone who could be a partner wolf.

As for you following the leads of others, this was derived from a simple look at your grand total of forum posts.  Nothing there seemed particularly well-reasoned, or even that you were putting that much effort into it, at least until others started to show suspicions of you.  Even after those extremely pouty last posts, I have no trouble believing you were a wolf.

Now, to present affairs:

I agree with Fox's initial post that Bowser would be a strong lynch choice at this point.  This is not because of inactiveness, but rather of apathy.  Most of his posts thus far have been not been strongly relating to the game.

Quote from: TWG Fox on May 04, 2013, 05:16:50 AMhis reasons against you are pretty convincing.

May I ask what reasons?  I confess I do not see the great Purple's attack on my honor.

Fox, I also agree with Link that the vote on me was reasonably suspicious of the great bounty hunter.  She had absolutely no suspicions of me; at least, none that she voiced.  While I see your point that if she had been a human, she would have more reason to lynch someone else who might possibly be a wolf than allow herself to be lynched, she who knew her humanity was confirmed.  This is true, but why not then vote against someone who had more of a case against them like Bowser or Luigi?  As Link stated, it seemed just spiteful.

Finally: Luigi, based on that post, I am pretty confident you know nothing of my true identity.
My humblest apologies for not answering your questions, Samus.  I checked in at the end of the phase after attending to my studies when the phase actually ended before I could respond.  If anyone is interested in my answers to her questions, I would be happy to acquiesce and respond to her rebuttal just as if she were still alive.
3. Waluigi- You initially seemed to be a leader, but you have faded into the background this phase.  What goes on, O purple one?  My suspicions of you are increasing due to your list.  With that said, I cannot in truth formulate a cohesive reason why this list bothers me.  Possibly it is only that you are suspicious for being relatively ordinary, not wanting to push too hard.  I keep my one eye on you.

4. Yoshi- The true role switch partway through the phase further shrouds your identity.  However, the chat log between you and the great Koopa strongly points to your humanity.  You do not merit one of my eyes just yet.

5. Link- Your defense has convinced me, I think.  I cannot think of anything else to say that has already been said, and thus I move my eye off you.

6. Pikachu- Inactive.  While I do not think this necessitates your wolfship, my eye that was once on Link is now on you.

7. Samus- Not as inactive as Pikachu, but thus far you have shown yourself to be perfectly content to follow the leads of others.  You would be a strong lynch candidate, for the reasons Yoshi put forward.

8. Fox- My suspicions of you have grown of late.  Nothing particularly suspicious have you done just yet, but I keep my third eye on you.

9. Bowser- Usually you are not this subtle, King of Koopas.  You have contributed probably less than anyone else to this game, and that in itself is telling. 

11. DK

12. Luigi- Of all the players here, methinks I have the least to say about you.  I do not know what to think just yet.

Light suspicions:

Medium suspicions:

Heavy suspicions:

I would much prefer to avoid a knife in the box, so for that reason I will vote Samus.  This is also good because I feel that she is the strongest candidate out of the three.

Most excellent bounty hunter, I would recommend that you make a defense now.

What do you know?  I have been ninja'd!

Quote from: TWG Samus on May 02, 2013, 05:54:53 PM"these guys are fighting, and no ones interrupting them. o wait this player isnt either totes wuff"

im laughing

Anyway, I wasn't too keen on a Pikachu lynch at first. Inactive or not, of all the people to place a hesitant vote on for "acting a little strange", Waluigi would be the last person I'd choose (besides myself of course). I know he said it was just until more stuff happens, but its been a whole day and plenty of things have happened to rethink the vote

Honestly I'm more suspicious of Yoshi at this point for reading the thread and automatically thinking Falcon was definitely a wolf. I know I voted for him, but it wasn't exactly a "this guy is definitely a wolf" but a "this guy is making some poor choices and hes really the only one whos POSTING ANYTHING". I would vote for Yoshi but he just got in the game and I'd like to see more from him

maybe if i didnt lynch falcon people would be discussing things more and something would actually be accomplished :/

On top of everything I have already stated, the bolded phrases in Samus' post strike me as a tad bit odd.  My vote remains.
Quote from: TWG Fox on May 01, 2013, 08:16:13 AMI think I see what you mean. Although I'm still behind Pikachu lynching.

My good friend, whilst I see what you mean about Pikachu, I am still more behind a Link lynch.  Let us weigh these two options.  Why would you choose Pikachu over Link?
My dear Fox and Samus, at this moment I am of the opinion that there is in fact more importance to that suspicious suspicion list than may first meet the eye.

TWG Link, en garde. Defend yourself.
Quote from: TWG Link on April 30, 2013, 07:03:52 PMbut we can't tell right now.

What do you mean by this, O savior of Hyrule?  Unless the wolves wolfed themselves, the probability of which is exceedingly low, our beloved plumber is certainly a human.

I like this statement not one bit.  Hence, I move one eye off Waluigi and onto you.
Quote from: TWG Yoshi on April 29, 2013, 09:01:43 PMTWG DK is dayum hott

My green friend, I appreciate your acknowledgement of my physical attraction, but I also kindly ask that you refrain from using such vulgar terms.

Luigi, your quick-wittedness was timely.  I am glad you noticed that.

Right now, my number one suspicion is Mario, who further incriminates himself with every post.  I would appreciate feedback on this sentiment.
I duly apologize to everyone that my two cents were delivered too late.  I had another very busy afternoon, in which I had not enough time to formulate my thoughts cohesively.

For now, my top three suspicions are as follows:

1. Captain Falcon-- Regardless of whether you were present in TWG L, you are executing a seizure man strategy. As in, you overcontribute and direct suspicion to others to keep them off you.  Also, you abandoned your attack on Link's honor relatively quickly; you were arguing viciously before abruptly switching tack.

2. Mario-- Either you are a new player, or an experienced player pretending to be new.  All things you have said thus far strike me as rather suspicious.

3. Link-- I do not think that Captain Falcon's impugnations against Link are particularly well-organized or logical, but Link's responses also seem rather weak.  To add to this, his excuses for voting Waluigi when he did are all somewhat frivolous.  The entire situation is illogical.

Honorable Mention:  Waluigi, I've got both eyes on you just because you are so exceedingly fabulous.
Friends!  Romans!  Countrymen!  Waluigis!  I apologize for my lack of posting due to an exceedingly busy weekend.  Do not rid yourself of me just yet, O great Kyon.  I now take a minute to read through the thread before inserting two cents.