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Messages - TWG Samus

can someone please tell me whats going on??
im so lost right now...
I'm not red! BDS!
#94 who do i vote for..
lol..ok, so can I vote for maelstrom again?
ok!  NocturneOfShadow!
idk... i don't want to vote for bds...
Quote from: Olimar12345 on July 23, 2016, 11:48:35 PMWow already at four pages? Well I claim #BlueTeamBestTeam, meaning that my alt is not on the blue team. More later.
wait...are we supposed to claim our colors??
Quote from: TWG Mario on July 23, 2016, 08:35:06 PMCold, writhing in the darkness, alone. They do not know what is about to hit them; no, they cannot understand, cannot COMPREHEND. In the shadows lurks an unspeakable evil, waiting, longing, twisting with an eagerness unrivaled by any that came before. One may think that such an innocuous person, nothing more than a MERE blue collar worker, could ever be capable of such horrible deeds. Some see him as a hero, but others, others have truly come to understand the horrors that are held in the mind of this madman. For years and years he has plagued the Koopa Kingdom as the so-called protector of the Mushroom Kingdom, pursuing its denizens far and wide, with one simple, thinly concealed goal in mind: GENOCIDE. He might put on an amicable face in public, but this is but a veil. An attempt to repress the ugly truth until he can get what he came here for. His thirst for blood will be met with the crunching of innumerable shells underfoot, the BURNING of whatever else gets in his way, and the unrelenting destruction of every brick of the castles of King Koopa. But his thirst is unquenchable. It will not stop there. And once everyone realizes the truth, it will be too late.

can we use our powers on ourselfs??
HAHAHA nope!!!
here goes....I hope I don't die tonight..
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG 71: Masquerade
September 16, 2014, 01:00:48 AM
Quote from: TWG Falcon on September 15, 2014, 11:14:21 PMdue to the earlier slip by a certain someone, Samus goes up to the top of my suspicion list, (greater chance of that slip being a propper slip) Tingle goes slightly above haruhi in suspicion, and pikachu stays at the bottom for that human tell all those many moons ago.
As I said earlier, I'm not sure why you people are making such a big deal about that. Is it, perhaps, that you're worried because you've technically taken part in two green-flip lynches, and you're worried I'll call you out on it? I'd guess you're just trying to stall us.

Quote-even though he has "done nothing" once you tell, you tell. maybe if you dont fully get why its a tell, maybe its best for me to say "because reasons".
All TWG Pikachu "did" was ask a question that anybody, wolf or human, could have asked. I'm not sure how special that is.

Quote(I think I made a comment of how Kirby/haruhi are complementing each other)
I think you and Haruhi compliment each other quite well.